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"E" . . . is for "ELIMINATION" protocol

So today . . . we finish discussing "my" formula to optimal health and weight with the letter . . . "E"

And . . . "E" is for . . . "elimination" protocol.

Now . . . yesterday we spoke about "bad" bacteria running amuck in our body.

And to "correct" our body's "internal dialogue" . . . we not only need to replenish our "VERY" small microorganism with . . . "good bacteria" . . . or better known as "probiotics" . . .

We also have to "eliminate" . . . the overwhelming load of "bad bacteria" . . . that has taken over our "gut".

You see . . . believe it or not . . . there are specific "bad" bacteria in our body that can "stop" us from losing weight.

And this bacteria can "settle" in our "small intestine" and our stomach . . . which in turn . . . can cause our "hormones" to "over react" . . . our "brain" to "malfunction" . . . our "oxygen" levels to be "low" . . . "premature aging" to set in . . .

AND . . . they have the ability to slow down or even "STOP" . . . weight lose.

So "eliminating" this overload of "bad" bacteria to "correct" the "good" to "bad" RATIO of bacteria in our intestine and body . . . IS A "MUST"!!!!

You see . . . this whole process of "gaining weight" and "struggling" to lose it . . .

Actually started because our "good" bacteria was "depleted" allowing these "bad" guys to take control of our weight, health and life.

So let's regroup with "my" formula . . .

"L" - Lymphatic system drain

"O" - Oxygen rich foods

"V" - Very small microorganisms

"E" - Elimination protocol

And we'll talk more about how to find a good elimination protocol in the days to come.

Have a great weekend, stay safe and be "mindful".

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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