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"Fibromyalgia" - what do we know?

Today. . . let's talk about "fibromyalgia" and discover the possibilities . . .

So what exactly is . . . "fibromyalgia"???

Well . . . it's a condition that causes pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue and often emotional and mental distress.

"Fibromyalgia" affects about 4 million adults in the U.S. every year . . .

And unfortunately . . . sciences says . . . the "cause" is "unknown" . . . therefore . . . there is "no cure". But . . . it can be effectively treated and managed.

Okay . . . so, so many questions to ask . . .

First . . . what's "fibromyalgia" really all about???

Well . . . it's an illness that can be triggered by a stressful event (physical or emotional), an injury or even a viral infection. And women are more likely to develop "fibromyalgia" then men.

Now . . . "fibromyalgia" is considered a "Psychophysiololic" disorder . . . because it is generated by the brain . . . along with other chronic pain conditions like migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue and pelvic pain syndrome

This is a "mind-body" disorder . . . and the first signs would be . . .

Fatigue, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, depression or anxiety, memory problems and trouble concentrating, brain fog, headaches, muscle twitches and/or cramps and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.

And guess what??? . . . even TMJ of the jaw.

Okay . . . so the "good" news is this . . . once you have "fibromyalgia" it doesn't get worse over time as many other disorders do. You see . . . it's not a "progressive disease". And it doesn't cause damage to the joints, muscles or our organs. So this is a "plus".

And it's "not" associated with shorter life span or the development of future disease like heart disease, stroke, dementia or cancer.

However . . . it does weaken the immune system by causing various abnormalities and irregularities in the body.

And if left untreated . . . depression can become a major factor . . . with anxiety and mood disorders worsening.

Okay . . . so listen up people . . .

Multiple Sclerosis News Today reported in 2018 . . . that researchers found, that "fibromyalgia", a condition involving widespread musculoskeletal pain . . . was "more" than 3 times as common in people who were later diagnosed with MS.

So we need to take back our control of the body . . .

And how do we do that???

Well . . . there are two things that come into play with "fibromyalgia" . . . "inflammation" and a "deficiency"

First up . . . "inflammation" . . .

Now . . . "fibromyalgia" is "not" an "inflammatory" condition . . . but . . . it is "aggravated" by it. It's actually caused by abnormal sensory processing in the central nervous system.

But it "does" raise "inflammatory" marker in the body.

So eating an "anti-inflammatory" diet, reducing lectins, sugars and alcohol will relieve and reduce some of the pain of "fibromyalgia".

Now . . . tomorrow we'll discover the possibilities of a "deficiency" in the body that could be the "root" cause of "fibromyalgia". Or at least some major relief.

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