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"Gallbladder" - continued

So today let's continue to discuss the "gallbladder" and why it can become dysfunctional

Now . . . as we discovered yesterday . . . the "gallbladder" is a small, pear-shaped organ located under the liver that "stores" and "releases" bile . . . which is the "fluid" the liver produces to help the body digest "fats" from the food we eat.

And with this . . . this pipe-like system carries "bile" from the liver to the small intestine.

Okay . . . so let's better understand . . .

Before we eat . . . the "gallbladder" is ready and waiting to do its job . . . and it's "full" of "bile" (digestive juices). . .

But . . . when we start to eat . . . the "gallbladder" starts to "squeeze" the "stored" bile through its pipeline to the small intestine where the just eaten food is transferred from the stomach.

This "bile" (digestive juices) now can help to break down our food . . . especially "fats"!

And when we're done eating . . . you got it . . . the "gallbladder" is "empty" like a deflated balloon.

Okay . . . so listen up "PEOPLE" . . . this is the important part . . .

The "gallbladder" normally takes about 1 hour to completely "empty" and about 90 minutes to refill . . .

But here's the important part . . .

The "gallbladder" MUST EMPTY COMPLETELY to remain HEALTHY . . . which will protect the heart and keep the body "free" of "gallstones"!

And to accomplish this mission . . . we "must" eat "high-fiber" and "healthy fats" food.

But . . . when we eat "unhealthy fats" or "not" enough fats and FIBER . . . (like in this Western diet) . . . the "gallbladder" DOESN'T empty COMPLETELY . . . therefore it empties POORLY . . .

And with this . . . the "gallbladder" and its "bile" . . . now becomes "sluggish" . . .

So how can this happen???

Well . . . gallbladder "sludge" forms when "bile" remains in the "gallbladder" for "too long".

And with this . . . "mucus" (that's colonized "bad" bacteria) from the "gallbladder" can mix with "cholesterol" and "calcium salts" . . . creating "SLUDGE".

Another issue can be "gallstones" that form if "bile" contains "too" much "cholesterol, bilirubin or "not" enough bile salts. And as we discovered yesterday . . . "gallstones" can cause "gallbladder" swelling and/or "infection" . . . or "clogged" pathways to the small intestine.

Which means we will have a hard time digesting our food.

And if server enough . . . the "gallbladder can "rupture" from "inflammation", infection or blunt injury.

Okay . . . so tomorrow let's discover what the signs of a "gallbladder" in distress are

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