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"Hot/Cold" Showers for "Lymphatic Stimulation"

Good morning my people . . . I hope you have a safe and healthy weekend.

Okay . . . so today, let's talk about another way to "stimulate" the "lymphatic system" to flush out toxins from the body.

And that would be . . .

"HOT/COLD" showers . . .

You see . . . "Hot" water "DILATES" the body's blood vessels . . .

Whereas . . . "Cold" water "CONSTRICTS" the blood vessels . . .

And . . . alternating water back and forth between 2 extreme temperatures . . . will act as a "pump" in the body to "move" lymph through the "lymphatic system" . . . therefore . . . removing toxins.

This "action" and "reaction" . . . can also stimulate . . .


Decreases inflammation and swelling

Reduces muscle soreness and fatigue

Lowers "cortisol" the STRESS hormone and "belly fat producer"

Improves circulation

Reduces pain

Stimulates the immune system

Increases alertness

Prevents colds

Stimulates anti-depression hormones

Accelerates the metabolism

Frees up the mind

Tightens the skin

Reduces hair loss

Improves focus and concentration

Helps with fertility

Hydrates the body


Improves cardiovascular health

Reduces muscle soreness ad fatigue

Improves brain health

Assists in better blood flow to joints and muscles

Improves sleep

Lowers body tension

Alleviates migraines

Reduces anxiety

Acts as a nasal decongestant

Removes toxins from the skin

Opens pores and cleans the skin

So . . . you can clearly see . . . just how amazing this process can be . . .

But . . . how do we do a "hot/cold" shower you ask???

Well . . . for beginners . . . we would start with "hot" water . . . for 15 seconds . . . then switch to "cold" water . . . for 15 seconds . . . then back to "hot".

With this system . . . we would want to increase the "amount" of times we switch back and forth each time we take a shower.

Now . . . for the "pro" . . . we would start with a "hot" water shower for 3 minutes . . . then switch to "cold" water for 1 minute . . . and repeat.

This is called . . . a "CONTRAST SHOWER".

NOTE: People that SHOULD "NOT" do a "COLD" shower . . . or this method of a "contrast shower" . . . are people with Adrenal exhaustion . . . pregnant . . . or have a heart condition!

And tomorrow . . . we'll talk about some herbs that can "stimulate" the lymphatic system

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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