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Let's go "Fishing"

Okay . . . so today let's talk about "fish".

As we know . . . fish is a low-fat, high quality protein that's filled with "omega-3" fatty acids, vitamins such as D and B2, rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals like iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium.

So today's question is this . . . what kind of fish is best to eat???

Well . . . there's "farm-raised" fish and "wild" caught fish.

Now . . ."farm-raised" fish have more omega 6s than fish raised in the wild. This is due to their higher fat content. And remember, too many "omega 6s" in the diet is the cause of inflammation, heart disease and weight gain.

But . . . "wild" caught fish is bursting with more trace minerals.

Why you ask???

Well . . . Wild fish have a more diverse diet than farm-raised, which gives them a better flavor. It also makes them leaner because "wild" fish are constantly moving and trying to find food to eat. In essences . . . they're exercising all the time so they retain less fat.

And . . . as a result of the "wild" caught fish being less fatty in omega 6's and more omega 3's . . . IT'S HEALTHIER!

"Wild" caught fish also aren't as prone to disease and illness because they live in their natural environment. This means they're not being pumped with "antibiotics" to keep them healthy or to promote growth like the "farm-raised" fish are.

Some of the many concerns surrounding "fish farming", are the crowding together of thousands of fish in their artificial environment. Not to mention . . . fish living in waste products like faces, uneaten food and dead fish. This all contaminated the water supply. Therefore, chemicals and pesticides are used to control parasites and disease. This too contaminates the area and impacts surrounding water.

And besides the obvious of unhealthy contamination . . . these fish don't get the best food or the most variety . . . therefore . . . the fat content of "farm" fish tends to be higher in unhealthy fats than "wild" caught fish

Okay . . . so now let's talk about "Bottom Feeder" . . .

So you ask . . . what the heck is a "bottom feeder"???

Well . . . the 2 most common ones are "pigs" (which we spoke of the other day) and "seafood".

You see . . . even though "bottom feeders" are mostly nutritionally sound with vitamins and minerals . . . they also crawl among the filth of the lake or ocean floor soaking up the collective waste of the water.

So what are some fish "bottom feeders" we need to be concerned with???

Well . . . that would be sardines, anchovies, mackerel, squid, octopus, shrimp, crab, lobster, crayfish, snail, starfish and sea cucumbers to mention just a few.

So limit the amount of seafood you consume to special occasions due to the potential toxicity from water pollutants.

And stick with "wild caught" like Alaskan salmon, Herring, Mahi-mahi, Perch Rainbow trout Striped bass, Tuna, wild Alaskan pollock and Arctic char to mention just as few.

Tomorrow we'll finish our talk about "protein" with "plant" proteins.

As always, feel free to contact me here

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