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New Years Resolutions

So today . . . let's talk about one of the most wished for "New Year's Resolutions"

And that would be . . . to accomplish our mission of "losing weight" and being healthier.

Now . . . We've all been there before . . . but . . . have we succeeded???

Well . . . guess what???

"You" are not alone . . . because when it comes to "New Year's Resolutions" and "weight loss" . . . statistics show that . . .

54% of us "fail" in our New Year's resolution of a new "DIET" plan or "EATING HEALTHIER"

And 44% "fail" in our new "EXERCISE" routine

While 41% "fail" in overall "WEIGHT LOSS" itself

And "OVERALL" . . . 43% will expect to "fail" before the 1st of "FEBRUARY"

With almost 1/2 "quitting" within the first week of January

And ONLY 16% of ALL "New Year's Resolution" . . . will follow through and be "successful"..

So why is that???

Well . . . normally when we make a "New Year's Resolution" . . . for "ANYTHING" . . . it's not "SPECIFIC" enough . . .

And "weight loss" is a good example . . .

You see . . . "losing weight", being "healthy" or whatever your "New Year's Resolution" is . . . are GREAT goals . . .

But . . . that's "TOO" general . . .

People are "less" likely to "achieve" their goal in the "gray" area of not being "specific" enough . . . you know . . . how you're going to accomplish that mission.

That's what a "true" resolution is all about . . . the "GAME PLAN" not the "GOAL" people!

You know . . . getting from point "A" to point "B"???

And unfortunately . . . we as human being . . . want that "QUICK FIX" in life.

That "INSTANT GRATIFICATION" thing that we all look for.

So it "doesn't" matter what your "New Year's Resolution" is about . . .

But rather . . . "how you go about obtaining it"

We need to have a "GAME PLAN" people!!!!!

So how do we do that???

Well . . . by following simple rules like this . . .

Set a clear goal . . . with steps on how to obtain it . . .

Choose your direction and move towards your goal . . . because to win this game of life . . . we "can't" stand still . . . a stagnant mind and body will not succeed

Focus on the "prize"

Expect and embrace challenges

Expose yourself to new experiences

Be willing to make mistakes . . . and not be hard on yourself . . . we're only human.

Strive for balance

And work smarter and harder . . . because that's a basic requirement for any goal in life

You see . . . "life" isn't always a bed of roses . . . most of the time it's filled with challenges that test us.

And if you put Murphy's Law into this equation of life and its challenges . . . then everything that can go wrong . . . will go wrong in your journey to meet your "goal".


So when trying to accomplish your "New Year's Resolution" . . . except and accept the challenges

The sooner that we can accept that . . . the sooner we can continue to the next "level" of our journey.

Every new experience, every mistake and every failure on this journey . . . is just another opportunity to learn something new and begin again . . .

This now gives us the "need" and "want" of "CONTROL" in our life.

So tomorrow . . . let's talk about 2023's "state of mind"

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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