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"Osteoporosis", is this you?

So today let's talk about bone loss.

"Osteoporosis" is a bone disease that occurs when the body "loses" too much bone, "makes" too little bone or "both".

But as a result . . . bones become weak and may break from a fall or in serious cases from sneezing or minor bumps.

So what does this all mean???

"Osteoporosis" means "porous bones" that look like a honeycomb and have less integrity.

Now . . . "Osteoporosis" is a common disease with approximately 10 million Americans diagnosed with it and another 44 million having low density placing them at risk. That means half of all adults age 50 and older are at risk of breaking a bone. With the most common fractures occurring at the hip, spine and wrist.

And unfortunately . . . women over 50 or postmenopausal have the greatest risk of developing it. This is due to the decrease in production of "estrogen", a hormone which protects against excessive bone loss.

"Osteoporosis" even has a lot to do with the condition of our teeth. You see . . . bone density in the jaw can cause tooth loss. And the older that we get . . . the greater problem it becomes.

Now . . . a lifelong lack of "calcium" plays another significant role in the development of "osteoporosis". Low calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

Science states . . . there is no cure for "osteoporosis", but proper treatment can help protect and strengthen bones. These treatments can help slow the breakdown of bone in the body and some treatments can spur the growth of new bone.

So how do we help this process of protecting our bones???

Well . . . first, by eliminating and avoiding certain food from our diet like:

- High salt foods because excess salt consumption can cause the body to release calcium

- Alcohol, due to interfering with the balance of calcium and the production of vitamin D

- Beans/ legumes are high in "phytates" which affects the body's ability to absorb calcium

- Wheat is also high in "phytates" which affects the absorption of calcium, but it can also reduce the absorption of calcium in "other" foods eaten at the same time.

- Excess vitamin A can store in the body causing an increased risk of reduce bone mineral density and lead to osteoporosis

- Caffeine actually "leaches" calcium from bones so they lose their strength. And believe it or not . . . you lose about 6 milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested.

So listen up people . . . simply said for the caffeine lovers out there . . .

A caffeinated soft drinks contains 30 to 40 milligrams of caffeine

An 8oz cup of green or black tea has 30 - 50 milligrams

An 80z cup of coffee has 80 - 100 milligrams

And an 8 0z energy drink can range from 40 - 250 milligrams.

Do you get this picture???

For every 8oz cup of coffee you drink . . . you lose about 6 milligrams of calcium. Now I know that doesn't sound like much . . . but add that to the fact that on average this Western diet doesn't supply us with enough calcium on a regular basis. We are in trouble.

An adult needs 1,000 milligrams of calcium, from all sources, every day and the older that we get, the more that increases. And women over 50 and men over 70 need at least 1,200 milligrams per day.

Okay . . . so how do we fix this decrease in calcium and help prevent "osteoporosis"??

Well . . . first, getting enough calcium and vitamin D by eating a well balanced diet.

Next up . . . engage in regular exercise.

Next . . . eat foods that are good for bone health like fruits and vegetables

And finally . . . avoid smoking and limit alcohol (avoid if possible)

And remember to get enough vitamin D because it helps your intestines absorb calcium from the food you eat.

One last element . . . "Black cohosh" is an herb that's been used in Native American medicine for years that contains "phytoestrogens" (estrogen-like substances) that may help prevent bone loss.

But as always . . . check with your own healthcare provider before taking this herb.

As always feel free to contact me here

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