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Question . . .

You know . . . people ask me all the time . . . what's my secret to optimal health and weight loss.

And my answer is this . . .

There are 2 kinds of people in the world . . .

The ones that "eat" to "survive" . . .

And the ones that "survive" to "eat".

So how can we be "true" to the human body's "design"???

And be a person that "eats" to "survive" . . .

Instead of a person that wakes in the morning thinking about what food they're going to eat that day.

Ultimately being . . . the person the "survives" to "eat" ???

Well . . . it's all about correcting the body's "internal dialogue" . . . so the body doesn't think about . . . or crave food as its main thought for the day.

And to do that . . . we must follow this word and rule . . .

Losing weight is not about will power or a magic pill . . . it's about mechanics and correction . . .

If you've read my book, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", then you know my formula to optimal health has to do with the word LOVE!

L - "lymphatic system" - the ability to flush out liquid, toxins, fat and waste from the body

O - "oxygen rich food" - providing the body with the right vitamins and minerals

V - "very small microorganisms" - our army of defense

E - "elimination protocol" - eliminating the real reason we can't lose weight.

Okay . . . with that being said . . . the next part of our journey . . .

I'll tell you . . . the mechanics as to "HOW" and "WHY" we put on weight and a way to fix it.

It's really very simple . . .

So the question for today is this . . .

Are you are person that "eats" to "survive"???

Or a person that "survives" to "eat"???

So my closing thought for this series is this . . .

As "dieters" looking for optimal health . . .

Think about this . . . when you feel like "quitting" - keep in mind why you started.

Tomorrow we're going to have a little fun before I tell you my theory to "losing weight".

So don't miss tomorrows post . . .

As always, feel free to contact me here.

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