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This year . . . be the "Gift"!

Christmas is such a joyful time of the year.

But with "this" year . . . comes a "true test of faith".

Christmas is a celebration to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. And the name "Christmas" comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus), where we remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life.

Christmas for most . . . has always been about spending time with family and friends and giving gifts to the ones we love.

But this year is different . . . we don't have the freedom or luxury of spending that time with those we love, and shopping for the gifts we cherish so much. This year has become a "trial of patience".

I think we can agree, that this pandemic has been difficult for all of us (some more than others) . . . but one thing we should all take away from this "test of faith" . . . is how important the value of our health, time and loved ones "truly" are.

It was once written . . . that "The greatest "test of faith", is when you don't get what you want . . . but still, you are able to say "Thank you Lord".

If we can pull from this belief . . . than we can accomplish anything.

So this Christmas season . . . "BE THE GIFT"

Be "present" in someone life, whether it be a phone call, text, messenger or facetime

Be accountable for who you are and make wise choices

Be kind to one another

Be worthy of someone's love

Be the person "God" wants you to be

This Christmas season, if I could give you one thing . . . my gift to you would be this . . .

It would be the ability to see "yourself" through "my" eyes . . .

Then you would "truly" see what an "amazing" person "you" really are.

I'd wish for "you" . . . that you'd be as "passionate" about your journey through life . . . as I am about mine.

"BE THE GIFT" . . . and be a journey to remember . . .

It was once said . . .

As some people journey through life . . . they leave footprints wherever they go . . .

Footprints of kindness and love, courage and compassion, humor and inspiration, and joy and faith . . .

And even when they're gone . . . we can still look back and clearly see the trail they left behind . . . A trail bright with hope that invites us all to follow.

So be that kind of person and "BE THE GIFT" in this new year.

As always, feel free to contact me here

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