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Tinnitus - what can help?

Okay . . . so yesterday we spoke about how important "flavonoids" are for optimal health and ulcers.

So today . . . let's discover the possibilities of "flavonoids" helping "tinnitus".

But first . . . what is that nagging, deafening noise in our head called "tinnitus"???

Well . . . it's a ringing, buzzing sound in the ears that can prevent you from hearing correctly.

And "tinnitus" isn't a disorder or condition per se . . . it's actually a symptom of a bigger problem like Meniere's disease which is usually related to the inside of the inner ear. Or damage to the hairs in the ear that transmit sound.

And more than 45 million Americans live with this discomfort everyday.

So now you ask . . . what are some causes of tinnitus???

Well . . . that would be . . . exposure to loud noises, age-related hearing loss, earwax buildup, injury to the ear, TMJ disorder, nerve damage or blood vessel disorders.

And we can even experience "tinnitus" from taking too many drugs like NSAIDs, antibiotics and antidepressants.

Now . . . did you know that there are around 15,000 tiny little hair cells inside the cochlea (a small, snail-shaped organ) of the inner ear???

And the movement from the middle ear leads to pressure (sound) waves that make the fluid inside the cochlea move, which makes the tiny hairs bend and move. And this movement converts the sound waves into electrical signals.

This now captured sound and its signals are sent to the brain for processing and BOOM . . . we now understand what we've heard.

But if these tiny hairs are damaged in any way . . . it can lead to significant hearing loss.

So what can cause the mechanics of the inner ear to fail???

Well . . . current research states that there's a connection between "tinnitus" and "B12 deficiency".

And the American Journal of Otolaryngology states that "tinnitus" is linked to vitamin B12 deficiency and that B12 supplemental therapy may help.

You see . . . B12 deficiency can irritate and mess up the function of nerves and the tiny hairs in the ear.

Studies show that vitamin B12 is needed to produce myelin, the protective and insulative sheath surrounding nerves. Therefore . . . the lack of B12 causes communication between nerves to deplete and impair this mechanism of the inner ear that can lead to tinnitus.

So tomorrow, we'll continue and find out where "flavonoids" can help in the big picture of the buzzing in our ears.

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