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"V" is for "VERY Small Microorganisms

Okay . . . so, step #3 in my theory and formula to optimal health . . . is about . . . the letter "V" . . . for "Very small microorganisms called . . . "PROBIOTICS"

So, what are these tiny little microorganisms . . . and why do we need them???

Well . . . to understand that . . . we must first understand the "mechanics" of our "intestines.

So, here we go . . .

As we know from previous health tips . . . our "large" intestine . . . which is also known as the "large bowel" . . . or . . . "colon" . . . is the "last" part of the gastrointestinal tract.

And the "purpose" of this part of the intestinal tract . . . is to "absorb" water and salts . . . from the "material" that has "NOT" been "digested" from the food we eat . . .

And with this . . . this part of the intestinal tract . . . is how the body gets rid of any "waste" material left over . . . as POOP!!!

Now . . . the "large" intestine" has 3 "primary" functions . . .

Absorbing water and electrolytes

Producing and absorbing vitamins

and Forming and eliminating our waste as "POOP"

Okay . . . so with that being said . . . the "large" intestine also houses the "largest" amount of "BACTERIA" in the body . . . BOTH "good" and "bad"

And . . . for this "elimination" system to work "correctly" . . . we would need the amount of "GOOD" bacteria in the "large" intestine . . . to be a little more abundant than the "BAD".

This my friends . . . is the delicate "ratio" . . . and "dance" . . . the "large" intestine plays . . . for optimal health and weight!

So . . . how does this delicate "ratio" get disturbed . . . and the "bad" take over the "good" causing havoc to our health???

Well . . . it can "start" . . . as early as "BIRTH" . . . AND . . . continue "through life"!!!!

You see . . . at . . .

"BIRTH" - this can happen when we're "born" . . . via . . . C-Section . . . and "don't" get the "important" . . . "IMMUNE SYSTEM BUILDERS" . . . from our mother's "vaginal birth canal" . . .

This process of "missing" this important "good" bacteria from the mother's "vaginal delivery" . . . can cause a new born infant issues like . . . colicky for more than 3 months . . . severe cradles cap . . . consistent severe diaper rash (with or without blistering) . . . ear infections . . . and/or an infant that consistently spits up their milk, which is called projectile vomiting.

So . . . many of the little mysteries in our infants first few month of life . . . can be explained by this "lack" of "immune system builder" . . .

Now . . . I'm sure some of you are thinking . . . I didn't have a C-Section . . . BUT . . . my baby still had all . . . or . . . some of those conditions.

So, what's up with that???

Well . . . "if" . . . the mother "herself" . . had a "compromised" immune system at the time of her babies birth . . . and "didn't" have enough "good" bacteria in "HER" system . . . then there "wouldn't" be "enough" of the "immune system builder" in her birth canal . . . and she too . . . would give birth to an infant "LACKING" adequate . . . "immune defense".

So, tomorrow . . . let's continue through time . . . and discover how else . . . our "bad" bacteria in the "large" intestine can take "control"

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