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What causes "Floaters"?

Most eye "floaters" are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance inside the eye becomes more liquid. Yesterday we spoke of this jelly-like substance not moving.

But when microscopic fibers within this liquid tend to clump, it can cast tiny shadows on your retina and these are called "floaters".

Eye floaters are dots or specks in a person's vision that seem to float away when the person tries to look directly at them. "Floaters" are a completely normal occurrence, especially as we age. They are a common deterioration of this liquid.

Unfortunately, eye "floaters" can be a real nuisance, especially in a work environment with very bright computer screens and backlighting. They normally take about 1 to 6 months to lessen. And "floaters" will gradually get smaller and less noticeable as the weeks and months go by, but usually "never" disappear completely.

You see . . . floaters slowly sink within the eye fluid and eventually settle at the bottom of the eye out of sight but they're always in the eye.

So how do we get rid of this annoying little spot?

Well . . . you can have laser surgery to remove them . . . or . . .

Drinking lots of water can help rid the body of toxins that can lead to "floaters". Also taking omega-3, beta-carotene, selenium, lutein, spirulina, chlorella and vitamins A, C, and E can help.

But guess what has been found to help the most?

Pineapples . . .

You see . . . the high vitamin C and "bromelain" in pineapples may increase the rate of their disappearance. The percentage of decrease of "floaters" by eating pineapples is about 45%.

Bromelain helps to fight against cell damage and reduces the risk of macular degeneration, especially in older people. And is a good source of beta carotene which is essential for eye health.

You see . . . the enzymes from pineapple have the ability to decompose the microfibers that cause the clumping, that ultimately causes the shadow and floater. They also reduce the tension of the gel-like fluid in the eyes to open the retina and even prevent retinal detachment and blindness.

So if you have a "floater" . . . get your pineapple on today.

As always, feel free to contact me here.

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