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What is your favorite Christmas food?

Okay . . . so today let's talk about holiday food!

I did a little research and googled what the all time favorite Christmas vegetable was . . .

And other than roasted potatoes . . . the winner was Brussels Sprouts.

So, I thought today we'd talk about just how important this little ball of goodness really is.

Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to any diet or meal.

They also include a potential to reduce the risk of cancer, decrease inflammation and improve blood sugar control. They're packed with immunity-boosting vitamin C and cancer-fighting "glucosinolates" and contain vitamin K, which is a chemical the body uses to promote blood clotting.

Brussels sprouts are an iron-rich veggie that fits into the same category as broccoli and cabbage, which contain about 6-10% of the RDI.

And in addition . . . eating high-fiber, low-glycemic load foods like Brussels sprouts . . . are associated with greater loss of weight compared to foods with a higher glycemic index.

So how do we prepare these little yummy veggies and maintain its nutritional valve???

Well . . . there are several ways. One being to soak them in a bowl of cold, salt water for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400*F. Drain and trim the stem ends, pulling off any yellow outer leaves. Mix them in another bowl with extra virgin olive oil and a dash of pepper. Pour them on a sheet pan and roast them for 35 to 40 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

Another way would be to cut a deep cross into the base of each sprout. Add the sprouts to a pan of boiling water, cover and boil for 4-5 minutes until just tender. Drain well and add seasonings like black pepper, salt, onion and garlic.

So enjoy these delicious little morsels this holiday season.

As always, feel free to contact me here

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