About Me
Empowering people through knowledge!

Welcome to Miracle Meadows . . .
My name is Mindy Lee,
And I’ve been in the "Alternative" health and fitness field for the past 40+ years . . .
sharing my wealth of information with people looking for answers to their health issues.
I'm a Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, Certified Health Coach, Certified Holistic Nutritionist,
Certified Herbalist . . . Natural Holistic Culinary Chef . . .
And the author of "My Cancer, My Cure",
"The Truth About Weight Loss",
"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly",
and "The Compliant Cookbook".
You see . . . my journey to "optimal health" . . . started many years ago, when I owned and operated a Health Club. I worked closely with my clients to help them understand the human body, how it should function and how to obtain their health goals.
But, after years of helping others with their fitness needs . . . I decided to sell my business to start a new chapter in my life.
I started a Commercial Cleaning business, which grew over the years to be very successful.
But . . . was there a price to pay?
Well, as time passed . . . I found myself becoming . . . NOT the "healthy" person I used to be!
I was working mostly nights, managing 40 employees, using toxic cleaning solutions, not eating right,
not sleeping enough . . . and stressed out all of the time.
Then in 2008, I became very ill with severe kidney stones.
A few months later, I was diagnosed with a Parathyroid tumor that was causing the calcium in my body to be dumped into my kidneys causing the kidney stones.
I had it removed and thank goodness . . . the tumor was "benign"!
But a month later, I was diagnosed with a thickening gallbladder and had that removed also.
I just couldn't imagine what was going on with my body!
Well . . . unfortunately . . . it got worse . . .
When finishing my gallbladder surgery . . . they "missed" closing off a valve connecting my liver to my bowel. They finished the procedure and sent me to recovery . . . keep me overnight and then sent me home.
But the next day, I was rushed back to the hospital in severe pain and vomiting up "bile" . . . it then took 5 more days to determine they had "missed" closing off that valve and I was being poisoned by "bile"
all that time.
So, they did an emergency surgery to repair this issue with a "stent" . . .
But, for the next 30 days, I was in and out of the hospital with infections . . .
So finally, they did another emergency surgery to "remove" the stent . . . that my body had been rejecting!
So, I had 4 surgeries in a short 5 month period of time . . .
Only to leave me in pain, weak and at times bedridden for the next year . . .
And even with all I knew about the human body . . . I just couldn't find the strength to recover.
Then in 2009 . . . I was diagnosed with "terminal cancer".
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Life was "NOT" what I had expected it to be!!!
You see . . . this terminal cancer only had a shelf life of about 5 years . . . and is called the
"Watch and Wait" cancer . . . because there's nothing they can treat you with . . . until the pain becomes so severe - that chemotherapy is now the option . . .
But mind you . . . NOT A CURE!
And with this . . . you are not only dealing with the symptoms of the cancer.
You're "NOW" dealing with the "SIDE EFFECTS" of Conventional Medicine!
This to me . . . was NOT an option . . . I wanted explore.
So, I spent the next 4 years continuing to research the "mechanics" of the human body, cancers and illness of all kinds . . . and after 4 years of playing human guinea pig on myself . . .
I had discovered how to control and conquer my terminal cancer . . .
All without . . . chemotherapy, radiation, surgery or drugs of any kind!
"Optimal Health"
was all about "correcting" the body's
And my theory and formula to optimal health works on any illness, disease, weight issue and even the "aging process'!
You see . . . my theory to "optimal health" . . .
isn't about Science or Biotechnology . . .
it's about the "MECHANICS" of the human body.
Well, I'm now 68 years young . . .
And it's been 15 years since I was diagnosed with terminal cancer . . .
Life is good once again!
So, how did my business Miracle Meadows come to pass you ask?
Well . . . when I was doing all my research to try and fix this mess I had now found myself in . . .
I'd grab my laptop . . . and sit under one of our big old oak trees, on our 30 acre horse farm . . .
What an "inspiration" and sense of "peace" that was . . . watching our horses graze in the sunshine of the plush green "meadows".
As time passed . . . and I was feeling better . . . I decided to "EMPOWER" other with this information.
Hence . . . Miracle Meadows LLC was born.
And I've been "sharing" this valuable information ever since.
You see . . . I believe . . .
And we all deserve to be "EMPOWERED"!
So, what's your "SUPERPOWER"?
Hopefully . . .
To be the best you . . . you can be!!!
And I can help!