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"Continuing" BAD bacteria's journey

Good morning my friends . . . I hope you had an awesome weekend.

So, last week . . . we finished our journey through time . . . only to discover . . . why our scenarios in life . . . "deplete" our "good" bacteria

So, today . . . let's continue with the "JOURNEY" of "bad" bacteria . . .

Now . . . when we take antibiotics, steroids, prescription drugs, birth control, drink alcohol, smoke, have too much stress in our life . . . and eat this Western diet we love so much . . . with its "refined" sugars, "carbohydrates", preservatives, artificial sweetener and dyes . . .

This ALL" . . . kills our "good" bacteria . . . leaving our "bad" bacteria to take over the large intestine.

And with this . . . leaving us with diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel diseases . . . just to mention a few.

Now, at this time . . . the "bad" bacteria travels OUT of the "large" intestine . . . up to the "small intestine" . . . which is supposed to be basically "sterile".

But . . . this "bad" bacteria now "INVADES" this area.

Breaking though the "gatekeeper" of the "small" intestine . . . which now causes our "small" intestine to malfunction . . . allowing "leaky gut" to form . . . which let the "bad" bacteria enter our "bloodstream" . . .

We NOW have a "compromised" body . . . allowing weight, illness and disease to control us!!!

So, why do we need this "good" bacteria better known as . . . "probiotics"???

Well . . . that would be to "REPLACE" . . . the "good" bacteria that we've lost over the years .

And what does this "good" bacteria have to do with "weight issues" and "disease"???

Well . . . our "gut" bacteria . . . can help "DETERMINE" . . . how much "energy" the body "absorbs" . . . and how "HUNGRY" or full we feel.

You see . . . "Probiotics" . . . can "reduce" the number of calories you absorb from food . . . correct levels of hormones and proteins related to appetite and fat storage . . . as well as reduce inflammation, which can be a defining factor in obesity.

So, "replenishing" the body with "good" bacteria . . . is a must to losing weight . . . and preventing, reversing or even curing disease.

This is our "army of defense" . . . for our "immune system" and optimal health!!!

So, tomorrow . . . let's talk about "PROBIOTICS" themselves . . .

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