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"Intermittent Fasting" ?????

So what is "intermittent fasting" . . . all about???

Well . . . it's about a "specific" PATTERN of eating . . . at a "specific" TIME of day.

Now . . . I "DON"T" believe in "total" fasting because . . .

"TOTAL FASTING" means . . . NO calories, NO nutrients and NO food for a 24 hour period of time . . . or longer.

Whereas . . . "INTERMITTENT FASTING" . . . is when you "eat" in a "pattern" manner at "specific" times of the day.

So in essence . . . "intermittent fasting" . . . the body is still "CONSUMING" calories, nutrients and food . . . but just in a "regulated" manner.

And some of the benefits would be . . . "improving" blood pressure and resting heart rate

And if we're talking about "weight loss" . . . this kind of platform can show "fat loss" . . . while maintaining "muscle mass".

So how do we "jump starting" our "weight loss" efforts???

Well . . . SHORT-TERM "intermittent fasting" allows the body to burn "fat" by generating body heat . . . kickstarting the metabolism . . . improving gut health . . . promoting a healthy heart . . . reducing inflammation . . . and it can even help to "reverse" diabetes.

Now . . . this process should only be done once a month for 1 or 2 days . . .

Why you ask???

Well . . . this kind of "fasting" is enough to "retrain" the body to burn "fat" for fuel . . . give the pancreas a break from producing so much insulin . . . and give the digestive process a chance to "regroup" for weight loss and optimal health.


You see . . . when we eat all the time . . . or the wrong food and/or too much of it . . . our organs "NEVER" have a chance to take a breath.

This in turn, puts a lot of stress on the body and we end up with pancreatitis or liver and kidney issues.

Now . . . many diets and/or health guides tell us it's okay to do a "long-term" intermittent fasting . . . but this is why I disagree . . .

"Long-term" intermittent fasting can . . .

Increase levels of "cortisol" . . . the "stress" hormone and "belly fat producer"

It can also cause hunger and cravings, binge eating, headaches, lightheadedness, digestive issues, irritability and mood changes, fatigue and low energy, sleeping issues, dizziness, low blood sugar levels, muscle aches and dehydration.

And if done "long" enough . . . is can even lead to anemia, a weakened immune system, liver and kidney problems, an irregular heartbeat . . . and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, muscle breakdown and diarrhea.

This would be when . . . "TOO MUCH" of a "GOOD THING" . . . isn't "always" a "GOOD THING"!

So tomorrow . . . we'll talk about how a "short-term" intermittent fasting is done to "jump-start" your weight loss efforts to optimal health.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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