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What do "Mycotoxins" have to do with "MOLD"?

Okay . . . so yesterday . . . we spoke briefly about "mycotoxins" and "mold"

So today . . . let's dig a little deeper to better understand

Now . . . we know "mold" and the "toxic" compounds of "mycotoxins" are connected . . .

But . . . do ALL "molds" release "mycotoxins"???

Well . . . as "mold" grows . . . some types . . . but not all . . . produce these "toxic byproducts" called "mycotoxins" . . . and there are more than 200 different kinds

And as we discovered yesterday . . . these "mycotoxins" can develop on "mold" foods and beverages such as . . .

CORN and corn products, peanuts, cottonseed, sorghum, WHEAT, barley, COFFEE, cocoa, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, rice, cereal, dried fruit, some spices and . . . BEER AND WINE.

You know . . . many of the elements we LOVE so much from this Western diet.

And unfortunately . . . some of the "symptoms" of "mycotoxin" exposure are . . .

ADD and/or ADHD


Autoimmune diseases

Brain fog

Cognitive impairment



Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome


Food sensitivities

Joint pain

Memory loss

Mood imbalances

Muscle weakness Rashes


Okay . . . so with that being said . . . which "molds" have "mycotoxins"??? Well . . . it's estimated that 25% of the world's agriculture is contaminated with "mycotoxins" . . .

And these "molds" are often "BLACK" on the surface and white or yellow underneath.

And "black mold" . . . is among the most "toxic" of all "mycotoxins".

You see . . . since these toxins are low in "molecular weight" . . . they have the ability to "float" around easily in the air . . . and therefore . . . attach to particles such as "fungal debris" and dust particles . . .

And then . . . you got it . . . we inhale . . . and BOOM . . . you've got a "mold" invasion . . . just like "ME"!

Okay . . . so the next question would be . . . is "mold" toxicity "reversible"???

And the answer is . . . Yes, yes, yes . . . whoohoo . . . thank goodness!!

Okay . . . so remember the other day we spoke about "mold" and "mycotoxins" damaging our cognitive function???

And I said I'd have to do some research on that one . . .

Well . . . studies have shown that many patients with "memory loss" and "dementia" . . . are actually "toxic from mold" . . . and therefore . . . that TOO . . . is a "reversible condition".

So next week . . . let's continue to talk about ways to get rid of harboring "mold" and "mycotoxins" in the body.

And we'll also add into this equation . . . "heavy metal toxicity" because we "detox" from them the same way.

So stay safe and have a "mindful" weekend.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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