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A Helpful "protocol" for SIBO

Okay . . . so the question for today is this . . . do you know what "prokinetics" are???

Well . . . simply put . . . they're a group of drugs . . . OR . . . natural elements . . . that "propel" food and "bacteria" through the "stagnant" colon . . . which can "improve" SIBO.

They're an agent . . . that "promotes" small intestinal "motility".

So in other words . . . they help to put the "bad" bacteria back into the "large" intestine where they belong . . . so they can be eliminated from the body.

Now . . . "Prokinetic" drugs can be prescribed by your personal physician . . . or you can go the "ALL" natural route.

But . . . as always . . . consult your own healthcare provider before taking anything new or diagnosing a health issue on your own.

So what are the most common prescribed "prokinetics" in the "conventional" world of medicine???

Well . . . they would be . . .







And Mosapride

And in the "Naturopathic and Alternative" world of medicine . . . my world . . .

The most common are . . .

Spore forming probiotics



Peppermint leaf

Artichoke leaf

Licorice root

Bitter candytuft


And Ginger root

Now . . . I've spoken many times before about "ginger root" being the answer to many of our ailments . . .

And this . . . would be no different . . .

You see . . . "ginger root" has the ability to "increase" food TRANSIT TIME through the stomach . . . all while "improving" bile acids and pancreatic enzyme production.

And with this . . . "ginger root" can "improve" digestion and "protect" our gastric mucosa.

So how is this accomplished you ask???

Well . . . "ginger root" . . . helps to "stimulate" MOTILITY in the digestive tract.

One of the main reasons we get SIBO, Leaky gut . . . or "any" digestive issue for that matter.


So tomorrow . . . let's dig a little deeper to better understand just how . . . this "motility" works and "WHY" it's soooooooo "IMPORTANT" to our optimal health.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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