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Is our Western diet . . . the "ROOT" of all evil?

Okay . . . so I know many people . . . don't "believe" that the food "we" eat . . . has a "direct" impact on our "health".

And many . . . even have the "philosophy" . . . that they work hard and should be able to "enjoy" the food that they "want" . . . when they want it.

And maybe rightly so . . . for those people . . .

But . . . even the U.S. National Library of Medicine is NOW reporting . . .

"Our Western diet has been a "significant" contributor to the growing rate of "obesity" over the last several decades. And "individuals" who are overweight or obese have a "higher" risk of developing illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and other cancers . . . yes . . . even Multiple Sclerosis.

This is our own government that is NOW stating that the FDA, manufacturers and pharmaceutical regulations are "messed up" . . . and can "negatively" affect our health.


They're NOW . . . just figuring this out???

So . . . let's start at the beginning and find out just how this "Western" diet really began . . .

Okay . . . so this "Western diet" we love so much . . . started after the "Industrial Revolution". which ended around 1840.

We were now in a world "introduced" to new methods of "food processing" . . . which included . . . cereals, refined sugars and refined vegetable oils . . . which "ALL" increased the "FAT" content of domesticated meats.

And unfortunately . . . due to the "food" system wanting to "KEEP" us hooked on their products . . . many Americans don't have options when it comes to the food they can "afford" to buy.

Leaving them with "low quality" . . . "high fat" . . . "over-processed" . . . soft drinks and fast food that are "nutrient-poor" . . . and "energy dense".

And NOW . . . years later . . . we've been defined by the "Standard American Diet" (SAD) . . . as a nation of "obese" and "diseased" human beings . . . with colon cancer, diabetes, arthritis, auto-immune diseases and heart disease . . . knocking at our door.

Even the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" . . . and the "CDC" . . . state that "packaged" foods tend to have "higher" amounts of salt . . . refined grains . . . sugar . . . and unhealthy oils . . . leading to "high blood pressure" . . . "high cholesterol" . . . which again . . . can lead to heart disease and stroke.

And "new" research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine states . . . there "IS" a link and connection between this Western diet of high fat and sugar . . . and the "development" of "non-alcoholic" fatty liver disease . . . which is the leading cause of chronic liver disease.

And with this . . . sadly . . . the Harvard Public Health Department states . . . about 678,000 Americans "DIE" each year from "chronic food illness".

What is wrong with this picture PEOPLE??????????

So tomorrow . . . let's continue to talk about some of the other "devastation" this diet can cause to the human body.

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