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So yesterday we spoke of the trace mineral called "molybdenum".

Today we talk about a very close relationship called "selenium"

"Selenium" is also an essential trace element and is necessary for a healthy "liver". And as we know, the liver is part of our detoxification process. Meaning elimination of toxins and waste from the body so illness and disease can't harbor.

Now, another attribute, is that "selenium" can improve mood by "reducing inflammation" in the body. Therefore "selenium" is good for disorders such as "anxiety".

"Selenium" is also a powerful antioxidant which helps "prevent" cell damage. And a real biggie on this one . . . this little mineral is an "anti-carcinogenic" which helps to "prevent" cancer from developing.

So we can clearly see just how important this mineral is to optimal health!

Okay . . . so just when you think things couldn't get any "better" . . .

"Selenium" also plays a critical role in metabolism and is involved in the biochemical pathway that produces "thyroid hormones", thus protecting "thyroid" function. It helps protect the body from damage caused by oxidative stress, it boost the "immune system", slows age-related mental decline and even reduces the risk of heart disease. "Selenium" also aids in weight and body fat reduction.

Okay . . . let's slow it on down . . . . don't go running out there to purchase yourself some "selenium". And this is the reason why . . .

We as consumers . . . take way too many over-the-counter supplements that aren't "compliant". And as I've stated in many previous Health Tips . . . most of the supplements we take have hidden elements like fillers of wood pulp and carcinogens that are detrimental to our health.

Now, don't get me wrong . . . there are supplements that we need to take that we can't get from our food and are "compliant". We just need to know which ones and that's why I'm here to help.

Okay . . . so what foods contain "selenium"?

Well . . . that would be . . . eggs, pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, beans and nuts especially Brazil nuts.

Okay . . . so now I'm sure you're thinking . . . how much selenium should I consume daily?

Well . . . if you were to look a this factor on paper . . . the average person should consume under 200 mcg per day. But . . . it would depend on the health of that person.

So how do we become deficient???

Well . . . as we now know from yesterday's Health tip . . . our weakened immune system from our Western diet allows the "bad" bacteria in our body to run amuck, which in turn, utilizes these minerals before the body can absorb them.

So how does "selenium" work with "molybdenum"? Well . . . they are important to the process of cellular respiration, cellular utilization of oxygen, DNA and RNA reproduction, maintenance of cell membrane integrity and sequestration of free radicals. This is all for the detoxification of waste and toxin from the body.

Tomorrow we'll talk about another important trace mineral.

As always, feel free to contact me here

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