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What is "Methane Gas" doing in our "stomach"?

So, did you know that we have "Methane Gas" in our "stomach" and "gut"???

Well, we do . . .

So let me ask you this . . . have you ever wondered "WHY" you have that stomachache that just comes and goes with NO explanation???

Why you have abdominal pain, nausea, bloating . . . or an uncomfortable feeling of fullness after eating???

Or what about . . . aching joints, excessive gas, belching, diarrhea or constipation that you just can't figure out why???

Well . . . it could be a "methane gas build-up" in your gut!

So today . . . is about "question" . . . to better understand . . .

Okay . . . so did you know there are numerous "archaea" located in the human gastrointestinal tract . . . and this "archaea" . . . is responsible for "methane" production???

Now . . . I'm sure you're wondering . . . what the heck is "archaea" . . .

Well . . . "archaea" is a group of micro-organisms that are similar to . . . but evolutionarily distinct from bacteria.

Next question . . . what exactly do they do in the body???

Well . . . "archaea" generates energy and plays a major role in producing "biological methane" . . .

Something that "bacteria" . . . CAN NOT DO . . .

Now . . . originally . . . "archaea" was classified as a "bacteria" . . . but in recent studies . . . "archaea" is now called a "cell".

And where do these "cells" live in the human body???

Well . . . in their original study . . . most "archaea" were thought to be "extremophiles" . . . living in "harsh environments . . . or in "mild" environments like . . . soil and the ocean.

But science has found that in humans . . . "archaea" is found on our "skin" . . . in our mouth . . .and in our gut.

And guess what???

They're very "good" swimmers . . . and that's how they get from our gut to our mouth.

So what's the difference between "archaea" and "bacteria???

Well . . . that would be in their "cell walls"

Okay . . . so next question . . . we know "bacteria" can cause many diseases . . . but what about "archaea"???

Well . . . "archaea" is responsible for some diseases with "no known" causes like . . . IBS, Crohn's disease, arthritis, lupus and gingivitis . . . just to mention a few.

And tomorrow we'll continue to learn more . . . and why this is important information to know,

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