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What is this "Western Diet" doing to us?

So today . . . let's continue to discover what else . . . this "Western diet" is doing to us . . .

Now . . . I'm just "warning" you . . . I'm gonna be long winded and on my "soapbox" today.

Okay . . . so other than the things we discussed yesterday . . . like causing obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, auto-immune diseases . . . and cancer . . .

This "Western diet" we love so much . . . in as little as just "ONE" week . . . can significantly "ALTER" brain function.


Not only . . . us as human beings . . . physically and mentally . . .

It's changing our "social views" . . . our "gender outlook" . . . and ultimately our "country"!!!

The U.S. National Library of Medicine stated in a report recognized on "January 4th, 2023" . . . and I "QUOTE" . . .

"Primary and secondary school students aged 8–15 years were selected as participants using a stratified cluster random sampling method. The self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the participants’ negative gender cognitive attitudes. An eating frequency questionnaire was used to investigate participants’ eating behaviors."

"Negative gender cognitive attitudes (disliking one’s own gender or wanting to be the opposite gender) and unhealthy eating behaviors have become common in children and adolescents all over the world."


(China and the Dutch . . . were instrumental in this research that the U.S. Health Libruary report posted . . .)

"Conclusion: And I "QUOTE" . . .

"There was a significant interaction between disliking one's gender and wanting to be the opposite gender in midnight snack eating among boys . . . and in carbonated drink and high protein eating behaviors among girls."

"Boys had higher frequencies of unhealthy eating behavior"

And "girls had higher frequencies of protein eating behavior"


So moving on . . . my point is this . . .


The Royal Society Open Science journal stated . . . our "Western diet" has the ability to "alter" the human body's memory and LEARNING center.

And guess what???

The longer we eat this "Western diet" . . . the more it contributes to obesity and diabetes . . . which "BOTH" have been linked to "declines" in brain PERFORMANCE . . . and the risk of developing "DEMENTIA"!!!!

While other studies have found that our "Western diet" . . . is associated with "elevated" serum markers of "inflammation" . . . which means the "immune system" is on "high alert" and working "overtime" directly . . . to eliminate this danger to the body.

SO IN A NUTSHELL PEOPLE . . . the reason so many of us are "unhealthy" and "unhappy" . . . is due to our American diet being made up of "processed foods" and all "its" chemicals . . . which include soda, fast food, packaged foods, frozen meals, sweets, cereals and canned soups.

You see . . . all of the above and more . . . offer VERY LITTLE NUTRITIONAL VALUE . . . meaning "empty calories".

There's actually "NOTHING" natural about this Western Diet.

And if you ask science, manufacturers, the FDA and the CDC . . . "WHY" everything is "SO" processed in this modern world . . .

The answer you'd "find" is this . . .

The "American lifestyle" has changed a lot since World War II . . . more women (who often have done most of the cooking for families then) now work outside the home and people in general . . . have less time . . . therefore . . . "WANT" the convenience of "processed foods".

So in other words PEOPLE . . . they're putting the "BLAME" on us . . . for being overweight and ill.

What's wrong with this picture???

So have a great weekend . . . stay safe . . . and be "mindful".

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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