Good morning my friends . . . hope you had a wonderful weekend.
So, did you know . . . Jimi Hendrix once said . . .
When the "power of love" . . . OVERCOMES . . . the "love of power" . . . then and ONLY THEN . . . the world will know "PEACE" again.
So, the question we need to ask ourselves in this time of confusion and fear . . .
Is how are we "coping" with the issues . . . of far and near???
Many of us find ourselves "wondering" . . . how we can "afford" to live today???
Seniors are on a fixed income . . . and struggling in every way . . .
Single mothers have to work 2 jobs . . . and don't get to see their children play . . .
While our children are suffering . . . many in dismay . . .
We're wondering what to eat . . . with food prices so high . . .
While gas and electricity . . . have hit the sky . . .
Our "history" and "heritage" . . . have been taken away . . .
And our "amendment" rights . . . are in disarray . . .
"AI" is everywhere . . . doing what "we" should do . . .
While our "identity". . . is being questioned . . . "WHO ARE YOU"???
The "election" is coming . . . with world "peace" at stake . . .
Only to find ourselves questioning . . . what "decision" will we make???
The "stress" is piling . . . the "anxiety" is real . . .
Will we make it to the other side . . . with the discomfort in life we feel???
"Conspiracy" theories are everywhere . . .
"Chemtrails" altering our mood, while killing our crops . . .
"Cloudseeding" . . . tornados and earthquakes . . . oh please, make it stop!!!
"Aliens" and "clones" . . . mysteries of the sea . . .
Is the world "flat" . . . or is it just me???
Our government and economy . . . are questionable in this moment at "best" . . .
With "illegal immigrants" and "boarder control" . . . being such a mess!!!
We fear for our health . . . due to viral threats . . .
Vaccine misconceptions . . . and mounting deaths . . .
Our heads are "spinning" . . . our health is "failing" . . .
And we find ourselves many times just wailing!!!
What are we to do . . . and what does the future look like to you???
Well . . . Bernie Johnson Reagan once said . . .
Life's challenges are "not" supposed to "paralyze" us . . . they're supposed to "help" us discover . . . "who we are" . . .
So "rise up" my friend . . . take back "control" of your "health" . . . "life" . . . and "liberty"!!!
Henry St. John said it well . . .
"Liberty" is to the collective body . . . what "health" is to every individual body . . .
Without "health" . . . no pleasure can be tasted by man . . .
Without "liberty" . . . no happiness can be enjoyed by society.
So, listen up people . . . because with the "election" coming . . . and the "conspiracy theories" running wild . . . it "hard to tell . . . what's "PERCEPTION" . . . and what's "REAL"!!!!!
As always, feel free to DM or contact me at: