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"COVID" . . . our "LIMBIC SYESTEM" . . . and "DEMEMTIA"!

So, today . . . let's explore the possibility . . . that the virus called "Covid-19" . . . and it's "vaccines" . . . are NOW one of the "root" causes of "cognitive decline" and "dementia" . . . in today's world.

The U.S. National Institute of Health - Covid-19 Research stated . . .

"COVID-19 can cause long-term problems with thinking, concentrating, and remembering. This condition is commonly known as “brain fog.” Brain fog after COVID-19 has been studied mostly by observing previously healthy people."

The research went on to say . . .

"In a small study supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), researchers examined the cognitive impact of COVID-19 on people with dementia. The researchers found that having COVID-19 rapidly accelerated the structural and functional brain deterioration of patients with dementia, regardless of the type of dementia being experienced."

Are we scared yet people????

Well . . . WE "SHOULD" BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now . . . The National Alzheimer's Association stated . . .

"Patients with Alzheimer's were 50% more likely to have persistent problems with forgetfulness after coming in contact with Covid-19 . . . and 1 in 4 had additional problems with cognition, such as issues with language and "decision=-making".

Harvard Health said . . .

"We now know that, unfortunately, Covid can damage the brain in many ways. When people first become sick from the virus, they may develop encephalitis — inflammation of the brain — causing confusion, difficulty concentrating, and memory problems."

And what about all the Covid "vaccines"???

Well . . . the European Journal of Medical Research reported in 2023 . . .

Some potential subsequence side effects have been "OVERLOOKED". One being the nervous system . . . with common complication being . . .

"CEREBROVASCULAR" disorders like . . .

"Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis" - a stroke that occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain's venous sinuses

"Transient ischemic attacks" (TIA) - a brief episode of neurological dysfunction resulting from a interruption in the blood supply to the brain or the eyes

"Intracerebral hemorrhage" (ICH) - is a type of stroke that occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds into the brain tissue, ventricles or both

"Ischemic stroke" - is the most common type of stroke and occurs when a blood clot or fatty plaque blocks a blood vessel in the brain, preventing blood flow to part of the brain

And . . . "DEMYELINATING" disorders like . . .

"Transverse myelitis" (TM) - inflammation of the "spinal cord", which can damage the insulating material (myelin) that covers nerve cell fibers . . . destroying "communication" between the spinal cord nerves and the rest of the body

First manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - causing one of the first symptoms.

Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) - also known as Devic's disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system . . . in which . . . the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and proteins in the spinal cord and optic nerves, which can lead to paralysis and blindness.

So, all I can say is this . . . WE NEED TO WAKE UP PEOPLE . . .

I don't know "WHO" the heck is trying to "destroy" mankind . . . but . . . as of right now . . . they're doing a "pretty damn" good job of it.

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