Okay . . . so today, let's continue . . .
The U. S. National Library of Medicine - National Center of Biotechnology Information in 2023 reported this . . .
From the "VERY BEGINNING" . . . the "LIMBIC SYSTEM" has been under the "SPOTLIGHT" since "loss" of "olfaction" was one of the MAJOR presenting symptoms of SARS-CoV2 infection.
They go on to say . . .
Subsequent studies have shown "altered" metabolism, perfusion, structure or connectivity in the "limbic" structures . . . AFTER COVID-19 was presented to the body.
And the onset of "acute cognitive deficits" and "memory impairments" could be "another" complication to COVID-19 vaccination.
This report continues to state . . .
We found a total of 11 reports describing 14 cases of "psychiatric reaction". These were mostly altered mental states, psychosis, mania, depression and functional neurological disorder.
Now people . . . I'm not telling you this information to scare you or say this is happening to you!!!
I'm just reporting the concerns of our "own" government . . . to make you "aware" that it "could" be the reason so many in this great country of ours are . . . confused, depressed . . . and making POOR "decision" in life.
Yale Medicine stated . . .
"Estimates vary as to exactly how many of those people struggle with cognitive function . . . but . . . in a study of people with "Long Covid" . . . close to half reported having "poor memory" or "brain fog".
The U.S. National Institute of Neurological and Stroke . . . said this . . .
"People with Covid-19 may experience new or increased difficulty concentrating, processing information and remembering things. This condition can last for weeks or months after the infection. And can cause long lasting neurological damage"
The Mayo Clinic said . . .
"People who had severe illness with Covid-19 might experience organ damage affecting the heart, kidneys, skin and brain. Inflammation and problems with the immune system can also happen
The BMJ . . . which is a "daily medicinal update" service said . . .
"Brain inflammation (Covid-19 or its vaccines) can cause symptoms much like those experienced after a mild traumatic brain injury or from concussion, including dizziness, headaches, seizures, stroke, delirium and balance disturbances."
The U.S. National Library of Medicine said . . .
"Covid may cause changes in the brain, a new study finds. Covid-19 may cause greater loss of gray matter and tissue damage in the brain than naturally occurs in people who have NOT been infected with the virus."
So . . . after taking in "all" this data from our "own" government and medical professionals . . .
Is that the reason . . . many of us are having health and mental issues???
Was this "conspiracy theory" TRUE???
Did someone really do this to us as human being???
Well . . . tomorrow . . . let's continue . . . because there is a way to fix this . . . and they're just NOT telling us.
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