So . . . the question still remains . . . are all these "conspiracy theories" . . . especially the one about "Covid" affecting the body and brain "NEGATIVELY" . . . also affecting our "decision making" in life and its events???
Well . . . "I" believe the answer to that is "YES" . . . and this is why . . .
The U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Center of Biotechnology Information states . . .
"Conspiracy beliefs are associated with a "reduction" in frontal beta power and biases in categorizing ambiguous stimuli"
They go on to say . . .
"Prior beliefs, such as conspiracy beliefs, significantly "influence" our "perception" of the natural world. However, the brain activity associated with "perceptual decision-making" in conspiracy beliefs is not well understood."
Alrighty then . . .
So let's take that ball and run with it . . .
Because . . . "I" found information . . . so we "CAN" better understand . . .
Okay . . . so, we know there's "LOTS" going on out there in the world today . . . and we just spoke about "cloudseeding" and "chemtrails" last week . . .
But, what about the "medical theories" in today's world like . . .
AIDS deaths being caused by "retroviral" medication . . .
Or large "pharmaceutical" companies "concealing" effective treatments for cancer
And then there's the "theory" that "Covid-19" outbreak was "planned" . . . and/or . . . "Covid-19" is destroying our body and mind . . .
What about all of those???
Well . . . these "theories" . . . can "undermine" political participation . . . discourage environmental protection . . . and incite "VIOLENCE" . . .
Hence . . . today world people!!!
So . . . let's talk about "Covid -19" and it's connection to "decision-making" . . .
Because . . . believe it or not . . . THERE IS A CONNECTION . . . THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!!
So, pay attention people . . . this "connection" between Covid, vaccines and our "decision making skills" . . . is an "eye opener" . . . that's "need to know" information and will "explain" today's crazy world and upset.
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