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Eye - Boogers???

So today . . . I thought I'd answer a question that my grandson had for me . . .

And that was . . . Mimi . . . What are eye-boogers and how do we get them???

Well . . . let's do a little exploring to find that answer for my Sweetie!

The official name for eye-boogers is "Rheum" and it's a very common reaction from the eyes.

Now . . . whether we call dried rheum . . . . "eye mucus", " sleep-seeds", "sleepy buds", sleepy sand", "sleepies", Sleep dust", "sleepy dirt", "sleepers", "eye discharge", "eye goop" or just plain "eye boogers" . . .

Rheum . . . is just a build-up and collection of cells, mucus, oil and debris from the tears that form at the corners of our eyes during sleep. And this is a very natural reaction.

So why does this happen at night???

Well . . . during the day, each time we blink . . . the eyes flush away the secretions of cells, mucus, oil and debris that have been produced.

But at night . . . when we're not blinking . . . this debris has a tendency to build up in the corner of our eyes.

Now . . . most eye-boogers are a sign that the eye is healthy because it has the ability to get rid of the dirt and debris it has collected.

Another reason could be due to not removing all the makeup we have used before we go to sleep for the night.

So now . . . let's talk about what different colors eye-boogers can come in and what it means.

Okay . . . so healthy "rheum" is clear or light yellow. It may be hard, sludgy or thin when you wake in the morning.

But . . . if this debris and mucus is very thick, green, dark yellow and/or accumulates with pain or redness in the eyes . . . this could be a sign of an eye infection like conjunctivitis commonly known as "pink eye".

Next question . . . so why do eye-boogers burn some times???

Well . . . if you have a burning sensation in the eyes and it's accompanied by itchiness and boogers . . . this is most likely an infection or allergies.

And what about eye-boogers in a newborn???

Well . . . this is very common due to a blocked tear duct. This blockage normally will clear up by itself . . . but if the baby's eyes are red, have eye discharge and/or excessive watering . . . this could be an infection and your doctor should be alerted.

So . . . the answer to my grandson's question is this . . .

It's normal to have eye-boogers when we wake . . . as long as there's no discomfort with them.

So, just another question answered in the inquiring mind of a inquisitive young man.

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