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Hallelujah . . . a sleeping position that REALLY helps us SLEEP!

And that would be . . . our "LEFT-SIDE"

Finally . . . a good night's sleep!

And why you ask???

Well . . . it's all due to the "mechanics" of the human body . . .

You see . . . according to Eastern philosophies like Indian, Chinese, Tibetan or Thai . . . the "LEFT" side of the body is totally "different" from the "right" side . . .

Did you know that?

And one of the major differences to a "good" night's sleep and optimal health OR "not" . . .

Is the body's "lymphatic system . . . we've spoken of this system many times before . . .

You see . . . "lymph" drains to the "left" . . . so sleeping on the "left-side" will help this process of removing "toxins" from the body when we sleep.

And since the "left" side of the body is the dominant side in the "lymphatic system" . . . most of the "lymph" that transports proteins, glucose metabolites and waste products . . . drains into the chest duct located on the left side. Which is a "good" thing!

This is how the body is supposed to work . . .

Okay . . . so let's continue on . . .

The "stomach" and "pancreas" hang on to the "left" side of the body . . . and when we lie down on the "left" side . . . both these organs . . . "hang" naturally . . . allowing for optimal and efficient "digestion".

Whereas . . . sleeping on our "right" side . . . disrupts this process and can cause many health issues such as acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, chest pain, heart palpations, anxiety, depression and a very stressful night . . . waking many times.

Now . . . the body's "liver" and "gallbladder" hang from the "right" side . . . and resting on the "left" side . . . allows them to hang and secret their enzymes into the digestive tract . . . emulsifying fats and neutralizing stomach acids.

This means . . . NO waking up from "acid reflux" when you sleep!!!!!

Okay . . . so what about "elimination" . . . "pooping"???

Well . . . as we know . . . the large intestine after leaving the small intestine . . . travels "UP" the "right" side of the abdomen . . . crosses the abdomen under the stomach . . . and then travels "DOWN" the "left" side of the abdomen . . . so we can "poop" in the morning.

So sleeping on our "left" side . . . will allow "gravity" to stimulate bodily waste in the large intestine to move to the end of this pipeline for a "good" elimination in the morning.

Therefore . . . people that are "right" side sleepers . . . may be plagued with "constipation" the next day.

Okay . . . so what about our "heart"???

Well . . . more than 80% of the heart is located on the "left" side of the body . . . and if we sleep on our "left" side . . . the "lymph" we spoke of earlier . . . drains toward the heart and can then remove toxins easier . . . meaning the "heart" doesn't have to do as much work.

So this is a win, win!

Now . . . the "spleen" is also on the "left" side of the abdomen . . . and is part of the "lymphatic system". Its function is to "filter" the lymph and our blood.

And when we sleep on our "left" side . . . this fluid returns to the "spleen" and "heart" easier.

So simply put . . . sleeping on our "left" side helps "gravity" . . . "PURIFY" the body and its blood.

So give it a try and see how well you sleep.

Okay . . . so I'll be taking a long weekend to finish a project here on the farm.

But I'll see you next week with information about a "HIDDEN WARNING SIGN" on our fingernails.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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