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How do we "retrain" the "Limbic system" of the brain?

Mindy Lee

Okay . . . so, today . . . let's figure out "how" to help our brain's "limbic system" HEAL to make better "decisions" in life . . . and "sharpen" our brain activity.

And to do that . . . we would need to . . .

Manage stress levels better

Sleep better

Exercise more

And consume an "anti-inflammatory" diet

And guess what???

"IF" . . . we eat an "anti-inflammatory" diet . . . that in "itself" . . . will "allow" the body to "manage" stress better . . . get more "adequate" sleep . . . and give us the "energy" to move more.

You see . . . it all comes down to "how" and "what" we eat . . . PEOPLE!!!

It's as simple as that . . .

And with this correction . . . the body and brain's . . . "fight", "flight" and "freeze" reaction . . . will be functioning properly . . .

And "DECISION-MAKING" . . . "memory" . . . and "clear" thinking . . . will be at a "PREMIUM" again!!!

And as an added "BONUS" . . . "HEALING" the "limbic system" can help with "cognitive" diseases . . . and "autoimmune diseases" . . .

You see . . . this "limbic system retraining" . . . is like pushing a "reset" button in the "brain" . . . to "rewire" its way of functioning . . . causing "emotional balance" and well-being!!!

Which will . . . break the body and mind "free" of . . .

Chronic stress


And the trauma associated with autoimmune and cognitive issues.

So, the importance of "breaking" the "limbic system TRAUMA LOOP" . . . is a MUST for the body to function properly in this crazy world of ours today.

You see . . . a "trauma loop" . . . occurs in "response" to "repeated' exposure to traumatic and adverse experiences . . . like what we've been going through these past 4 years.




Loss of life

Loss of jobs

Lock down

Price gouging

Price increases




Illegal alien issues

Border control

Homeland security and safety

Weather manipulation

Genetically Modified Foods

Engineered foods

School systems in disarray

Children in dismay and not knowing who they are

Anger, depression, confusion and anxiety are everywhere

Evil lurking in the depths of our very existence

The list goes on and on . . .

These "ALL" add to our "trauma loop" . . .

And believe it or not . . . during "each" traumatic event . . . neurochemicals "flood" the brain . . .

And with this . . . over time the brain becomes "accustomed" to "functioning" in a "flooded state" . . .

Which means . . . our "MIND" constantly "lives" in a "TOXIC STATE"!!!

So, tomorrow . . . let's continue to better understand . . .

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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