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Is there a "HIDDEN" Secret to our "DECIDSION MAKING"?

So, the question for today is this . . . is our "decision-making" different today . . . than it was a few years ago . . . before the "pandemic"???

Well . . . I know personally . . . having gone through "lock down" with the rest of you . . .

My perception on "life" has changed.

And what I thought was important before the pandemic . . . seems very trivial now.

Then add into this equation . . . the state of the economy and our government issues . . . NOTHING IS THE SAME . . . and my "outlook" today . . . is even more "humbled" than it was in the past.

Now . . . the other day . . . we spoke about what parts of the brain are responsible for rational "decision-making" . . and one important part was the "LIMBIC SYSTEM" . . . which we've been talking about.

However . . . today, I'd like to share a "CONNECTION" . . . about the "decisions" we make in today's world.

Are they being "altered" . . . WITHOUT our knowledge???

Well, hang onto your horses . . . because . . . this is "REAL"!!!


The U. S National Institute of Health reported this . . .

After covid-19 is presented to the human body . . . studies have shown that this virus . . . "alters" . . . metabolism . . . perfusion . . . and/or structure or connectivity . . . in the "LIMBIC SYSTEM".

This study added to this data saying . . .

"Behavioral" consequences of the "limbic system" DAMAGE and associated functional connectivity "CHANGES" were "SIMULTANEOUSLY" reported 6 - 9 months after the body being infected with Covid-19."

And . . . they found episodes of "limbic encephalitis" . . . in the body . . . which occurred QUICKLY after covid-19 VACCINATIONS were administrated.

So, what does all that mean PEOPLE???

Well . . . it means . . . our "own" government . . . "knows" . . . that when the body is "infected" with this "virus" called "Covid-19" . . . or receives a Covid "vaccine . . . it . . . "WILL" . . . alter the "brain's" LIMBIC SYSTEM . . . which "controls" our "decision making skills"!!!!!


Was this really the PLAN all along????????

Is "THIS" conspiracy theory . . . "TRUE" . . .

Was "Covid" released to destroy our "Limbic system" in the brain . . . AND . . . ultimately our "decision making" and "common sense" so we can be "CONTROLLED" and "MANIPULATED" to do what they want???

Well, next week . . . I'll tell you the answers that I found . . .

So, be safe and healthy out there in this crazy world of today . . .

And sharpen up you "mindful" skills . . . because we're gonna need them.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at: 

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