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"Spinach" and "Weight Loss" . . .

So, we've been talking about the "secret" of "spinach . . . not only for "preventing" dementia . . . but . . . for our overall health!

Well today . . . let's continue with "why" . . . adding "spinach" to our daily diet . . . is such a good idea . . . especially for "weight loss" and/or "control".

You see . . . for those of us that struggle with "FOOD CRAVING" . . . you know . . . those "SWEET GUILTY PLEASURE FOODS" . . . that are everywhere in this Western diet we love so much . . . that are the main causes for weight gain and dementia . . .

"Spinach" can actually "REDUCE" the "URGE" for eating "munches" . . . and this is done . . . by encouraging the "release" of satiety hormones.

And with this . . . studies show . . . taking a "spinach extract" before breakfast . . . can "DECREASE" the craving for "all" snacks and sweets during the rest of the day by about 36% . . . with a 21% decrease in overall "hunger" . . . and a 14% INCREASE in "satiety".

So how does this work you ask???

Well . . . the combination of rich vitamins and minerals . . . like iron and magnesium in "spinach" . . . can help "reduce" SUGAR CRAVINGS" and "REDUCE BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS".

And with that . . . "spinach" is excellent for people with "diabetes".

So . . . not only does "spinach" help "STOP" those "CRAVINGS" FOR SWEETS" . . . it's also great for "weight loss".

It's low in calories and high in fiber . . . which can help the body feel full and satisfied . . . aiding in weight management . . . and with this . . . it "improves" the "metabolism" of our food.

Okay . . . so now I'm sure you're wondering . . . just how much "spinach" do we need to eat to accomplish that mission???

Well . . . a handful or 1 cup of raw "spinach" . . . or a 1/2 a cup of cooked "spinach" . . . is all you need per day.

The "high" fiber content will keep you full for longer . . . and will restrict you from eating too many calories.

And one of the reasons this works so well . . . is due to "spinach" helping to "fuel" the growth of our healthy "good" bacteria.

Okay . . . so next question . . . is "spinach" healthier "raw" or "cooked"???

Well . . . studies have found that eating "cooked" spinach . . . vs . . . "raw" . . . is actually "BETTER" for us . . .

I bet you never thought you'd hear me say . . . that something "cooked" . . . is better for us than "raw".

But . . . this is why . . .

"Raw" spinach contains "oxalic acid" . . . an organic compound found in many leafy green plants.

And tomorrow . . . we'll talk more about that . . .

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