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The "Magic" of "Spinach Extract"

So today, let's talk about one of my little "SECRETS" to controlling "CRAVINGS"

And that would be with . . .

"Spinach extract"

Now . . . the "magic" of "spinach extract" is in the "thylakoids" it contains.

These "thylakoids" suppress the activity of "Lipase" which is an "enzyme" that "digests" FAT.

And this interaction . . . "INCREASES" the "appetite-REDUCING" hormone called "Leptin" . . . while "DECREASING" our "hunger hormones" called "Ghrelin"

Remember we spoke of the importance of these "hormones" the other day.

Now . . . "Spinach extract" has been shown to be an effective "weight loss supplement" . . . due to its ability to temporarily "REDUCE" appetite and "cravings".

Studies have shown that women that ingested "spinach extract" before breakfast . . . experienced a 36% "decrease" in "cravings" for all snacks and sweets during the rest of the day . . . a 21% "decrease" in overall hunger for the day . . . and a 14% "increase" in satiety.

You see . . . "spinach extract" . . . "suppresses" the "brain's" food reward system . . . "reducing" cravings.

The Lund University in Sweden stated . . . "spinach extract" . . . "increased" weight loss efforts by 43% in all their studies.

Now . . . we also get another little bonus with "spinach extract" . . .

You see . . . another main compound in "spinach extract" is called "ecdysterone" . . . and it's actually a "phytosteroid" . . . which is a "NATURAL STEROID" . . . that can LOWER CHOLESTEROL and BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS . . . NATURALLY!!!

And what else does "echysterone" from "spinach extract" do for the body???

Well . . . it can "increase" protein synthesis in "skeletal muscle"

What does that mean???

Well . . . it has the ability to "build muscle" and "reduce fatigue" . . . Whoohoo . . . now we're talkin'

Because as we age . . . those are 2 elements that we all have to deal with . . . declining muscle tone and strength . . . and feeling tired all the time.

Now . . . this is the "gift that just keeps giving" . . . because eating "spinach" and other "leafy greens" are also "great" for "BURNING" . . . "belly fat".

BUT PLEASE NOTE . . . "spinach extract" is also a natural "blood-thinner" . . . so people taking "blood-thinning" medication such as "warfarin" . . . should consult with their own healthcare provider before taking this element.

Also . . . people that are "prone" to "kidney stones" may want to consult their own healthcare provider first before taking it.

And if you're looking for a "compliant" spinach extract . . . just click this link and order yours today.

So next week . . . we'll talk about a few other " veggies" that can help us accomplish our "New Year's Resolution" of being healthier and losing some weight

Have a safe and "mindful" weekend

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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