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The Secret of "SPINACH"

So today . . . let's continue the importance of adding "SPINACH" to our diet . . .

You see . . . "spinach" is one of those misunderstood veggies . . .

We all know about "POPEYE" loving his "spinach" because it contained "iron" and gave him great "strength" . . .

But . . . did you also know . . . that "spinach" is rich in vitamin A, C, E, potassium and magnesium . . .

Can help support "immune" function . . . aid the digestive system . . . decrease oxidative stress . . . improve eye health . . . and can help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Whoohoo . . . I wonder if POPEYE knew all of that???

And with this . . . the body uses the vitamin A in "spinach" to support our "skin's" immune system . . . which can prevent disease and skin damage.

It also helps skin stay hydrated . . . which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

"Spinach" is such an "wonderful" little veggie . . . that it even promotes the body's "collagen" production . . . which can promote tighter bouncier skin.

It contains "Chlorophyll" . . . which cleanses and detoxifies the "blood" flowing through the body.

It helps to give the "liver" a break by eliminate toxins in the body that would otherwise have to "pass through" the liver.

And "Spinach" is high in "nitrates" . . . which can benefit "regulated blood pressure".

It's "high" in "antioxidant value" . . . and contains antioxidants like Lutein, Beta carotene, Coumaric acid and Ferulic acid . . . which all help "prevent" chronic illnesses and oxidative damage to our DNA.

"Spinach" is great for "cleaning" the "colon" and protesting the digestive system from some of the bad bacteria I'm always talking about.

And as I mentioned above . . . "spinach" contains "magnesium" . . . which can help promote a sense of "calm" and "stability" . . .

And with this . . . it also contains vitamin B6 . . . which is a nutrient that plays a big role in the production of "serotonin" that we spoke of the other day . . .

This combination of magnesium and B6 has the ability to relieve "anxiety".

So as you can surely see . . . "adding" spinach into your daily diet should be a "MUST"!!!

So tomorrow . . . let's continue

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