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Mindy Lee

The wonders of "Epsom salt"

Good morning . . . so, I first want to wish you all a "safe" and "healthy" Halloween . . .

Don't eat TOO MUCH CANDY PEOPLE. . . remember just how "bad" that "SUGAR" is for you!!!

Okay . . . so to continue with this weeks topic . . . how can "Epsom salts" help with the "elimination of "heavy metals" from the body???

Well . . . the "sulphates" in Epsom salt can help "flush out" toxins.

This process is called . . . "reverse osmosis" . . . and it literally pulls toxins and heavy metals out of the body.

So how do we do an "Epsom salt Detox Bath"???

Well, while the warm water is running . . . pour at about "1 and a 1/4 cups" of Epsom salt under the water spout to help it dissolve faster in a standard-sized bathtub.

When the tub is full . . . get in and soak for at least 10-15 minutes . . . but no more than 30 minutes.

And with this . . . this "soak" can also relieve stress, muscle pain, help with better sleep, improve skin health, inflammation and reduce anxiety . . .

This is due to the "magnesium" in Epsom salt . . . which "increases" serotonin production in the brain.

Now . . . once your "soak" is done . . . you have 2 options . . .

First . . . to "increase" the effectiveness of the bath . . . "do not" rinse off before getting out of the tub . . . just "dry off" with a towel and retire for the evening.

But . . . if you have "skin issues" . . .

This kind of a "soak" may "dry" the skin out even more . . . so taking a shower after your bath is recommended.

Okay . . . so how does all this really work???

Well . . . Epsom salt "breaks down" into "magnesium" and "sulfate" in the water when dissolved . . .

The body then absorbs these minerals through the skin . . . and these minerals "draw out" toxins from the body.

Now . . . for some people . . . you can experience nausea, diarrhea, or abdominal cramping as a result of presenting "too" much magnesium to the body in this method.

So, "soaking" for a shorter period of time would help to relieve that issue.

Okay . . . so tomorrow, let's finish this topic of conversation.


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