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"Towel Drying" for the Lymphatic System . . .

Okay . . . so let me ask you this . . . did you know there's a "right" way and a "wrong" way to dry the body after taking a shower or bath???

Well . . . there is . . . and it all has to do with the "lymphatic system" . . .

You see . . . if you vigorously rub your skin in many different directions . . . this "stops" the natural "flow" of "lymph" . . . which can "clog" up the "lymphatic cycle" we've been talking about.

And this "method" of "correct drying" the body . . . is about "stimulating" the "lymphatic system like dry brushing . . . not "gravity" like rebounding.

Okay . . . so, the idea . . . is to dry yourself first from the "toes" to the "heart" . . . in a long delicate motion. Starting with the front of the body . . . then going to the back of the body.

Then from the "fingers" to the "heart" . . . again, in a long delicate motion. Starting with the front of the arm moving to the upper back . . . and then the under part of the arm to the chest.

And finally "patting" the face and hair "gently".

This is an excellent way to "stimulate" the "lymphatic system" . . . and to keep our "elimination" system "flowing"...


And believe it or not . . . in this simple motion . . . you will also dry the skin faster than towel drying in all different directions.

Why you ask??

Well . . . when you "dry" in the direction of . . . "UP" . . . as I stated above . . . this "lifts" up our body "hair" and allows air to actually dry the skin faster.

Okay . . . so, let me ask you this . . . do you "USE" a towel "MORE" than "ONCE"???

Well . . . studies have shown . . . that using the "same" towel for a few showers or baths . . . isn't gonna kill ya . . .

BUT . . . "EVERY TIME" you use or "reuse" that towel . . . you're transferring bacteria, viruses and dead skin cells . . . which by the way are actually "food" for microbes . . . from the skin onto the towel.

And using that towel . . . again . . . will "transfer" the bacteria, viruses and dead skin cells . . . "back" onto the body.

Now . . . if you "smell" your towel after it dries . . . and it "smells MUSTY" . . . you know . . . that "sour odor" . . .

Well . . . that 'smell" . . . is the "microbes" that are now "living" on your towel . . .

And if you're unclear as to what "microbes" are . . .

They're "tiny" living microorganism that are "too" small to see with the naked eye . . .

But . . . they live all around us in water, soil and the air.

And the human body is home to "millions" of these little "buggers".

So, why is this important ???

Well . . . many of those "microbes" . . . can make us "sick"!!!

Now . . . next week . . . let's talk about "hot/cold" showers for "lymphatic stimulation"

So, please stay safe and healthy this weekend . . . and remember . . . be "mindful" in your world.

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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