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Mindy Lee

What "food" and "amino acid" can "CORRECT" the "Limbic System?

So, today . . . let's talk about what "foods" can help give us more "clarity" in our "decision-making" . . . and therefore . . . our life.

Now . . . I told you yesterday . . . that one of the "biggest" ways to "correct" ANY "emotional" and/or "mental" issue . . . would be to eat an "anti-inflammatory" diet.

So, what is that you ask???

Well . . . an "anti-inflammatory" diet is eating "whole foods" like . . .


Low-glycemic Vegetables





Pastured eggs

Grass-fed meat

Wild=caught fish

Wild game

and Low-carbohydrates

These "all" REDUCE "inflammation" in the body . . .

They also . . . "stabilize" blood sugar levels . . . and "provide" necessary "nutrients" that enable the "limbic system" to operate effectively.

Now . . . there's also an "amino acid" that's CRUCIAL to our "mental" and "emotional" health.

And that would be the "amino acid" called . . . "L-theanine"

You see . . . it "significantly" . . . INCREASES activity in the "alpha" frequency band of the brain . . . which indicates that it "relaxes" the mind without inducing drowsiness.

And with this . . . it can make us feel considerably "calmer" and more "focused" in life . . .

"L-theanine" . . . has "neuroprotective" effects . . . which "improve" brain function . . . therefore . . . can "improve" attention and reaction time.

Meaning . . . "Fight, Flight" and "Freeze"

And you can see the effects of "L-theanine" . . . in about 60 minutes . . . with it lasting about 8 hours.

Many studies have shown that "L-theanine" . . . can help "improve" COGNITIVE function . . . which includes "DECISION-MAKING" . . . and "verbal fluency" . . .

Ever find yourself . . . talking to someone and you just can't remember what you wanted to say . . . you know . . . like a "brain fart or brain fog"???

Or are you afraid to be a "public speaker" . . .

Or what about . . . just being on the fence and not being about to make a "decision" quickly???

Well . . . that's a "lack" of "L-theanine" in the brain . . .

"L-theanine" can also help with "falling asleep" faster . . . reduce "overall stress' . . . and "increase" attentiveness . . . while supporting a "healthy mood".

So, where can you find this little wonder???

Well . . . 2 of the best options are . . .

Green tea

and Black tea . . .

But . . . as always . . . please, consult your own healthcare provider before taking any new regiment.

So, next week . . . let's talk about an "anti-inflammatory" diet . . .

Because I "don't" think the majority of you are getting that concept . . . and its "IMPORTANCE"!

So, have a safe and healthy weekend . . . and please, be "mindful" of your world.

IAs always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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