So, the question still remains . . . why are "food" prices SO HIGH???
And "IF" . . . inflation is on the "downward" spiral . . . as they are now reporting to us . . .
WHY . . . are food "prices" NOT following suit???
Well . . . this is what the experts had to say . . .
Even though . . . the "grocery industry" was born to "ENSURE" a cheap, convenient and abundant food supply many years ago . . .
In today's world . . . that "SAME" industry . . . leveraged pandemic-related supply chain issues . . . to "raise" prices and "reap" enormous profits . . .
And with this . . . many experts say . . . the reason prices are still rising is due to "demand" by the consumer.
And this "surge" of demand . . . coupled with unpredictable "weather patterns" (cloudseeding) . . . and "climate change" (again cloudseeding) . . . sets the stage for an "EXPECTED SHORTAGE" of food in "2024"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good example of how our "system" is working in today's world would be this . . .
At the beginning of 2024 . . . California had a supposed "bird flu" crisis . . . leaving them with "low" supply . . . and therefore . . . "prices" skyrocketing again on what supply they "did" have.
Now. . . those retailers . . . could have made up their losses . . . and had eggs for their consumers . . . "IF" they could have gotten eggs from outside their state . . .
BUT . . . here it comes . . .
California law . . . "limits" retailer's "alternatives" to keep the public supplied.
Meaning . . . they "COULDN'T" get "eggs" from another state!!!
So, why would a state government mandate and regulate something like that???
And . . ."WHO" the heck sets these food "prices" anyway???
Well . . . "GROCERY RETAILERS" . . . choose how much to "charge" for the food they sell . . . and with this . . . they supposedly . . . take into consideration . . . the economic factors . . . known as "market forces" . . . that affect prices.
So . . . "my" question is this . . . why isn't our government "regulating" what retailers can or cannot do . . . to the consumer???
Well . . . come to find out . . . "Federal Consumer Protection Laws" . . . (that's our government) . . . DO NOT address "price gouging" . . .
They leave it up to the individual state's laws.
And . . . the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) stated . . .
"Federal agencies DO NOT control food prices, but may indirectly affect them. For example, by relaxing regulations to let food made for restaurants be diverted to grocery stores, the FDA helping to avert food shortages that could've further increased prices during the Covid- 19 pandemic. And in addition, to help lower food costs amid supply chain disruptions, the USDA provides funding to help meat and poultry processors expand their operation and for producers to expand fertilizer manufacturing."
So . . . what does all that mean???
Well . . . Federal agencies (our government and/or our president) DO NOT have a "direct role" in controlling price increases . . . whether it be about food, housing or gas!!!
So, think "twice" about any campaign promises by your favorite candidate.
Read between the lines people . . . because if your candidate is telling you . . . their office is going to "lower food prices" if they're elected . . .
We need to ask . . . are they just promising to "lower prices" to get a vote???
Or are they going to "rework" this broken system by regulating "state" laws on price gouging???
Just something to think about people.
So, tomorrow . . . let's talk about what "types" of food have been responsible for that 30% increase over the past 4 years.
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