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"Alcohol" - good or bad? Part 2

Okay . . . so let's continue to learn why drinking "alcohol" is "SO" detrimental to ones health.

Simply put . . . "alcohol" (ethanol) . . . kills off the body's "good" bacteria and serves as a fertilizer to help the "bad" bacteria in the body "grow fast" and "out of control" . . . causing "all" the body's ailments and illnesses.

YES, even weight issues!

And as I've explained in previous Health Tips . . . this "bad" bacteria . . . also produces even MORE "ethanol" in the body.

So, let me ask you this . . . Have you ever wondered why some people get "drunk faster" on "fewer" drinks than others???

Well . . . this is why . . .

If you're a person that has an "overgrowth" of "bad" bacteria "ALREADY" in the body due to a "weakened immune system" . . . consuming too many "carbohydrates and sugar" . . . or have taken conventional "antibiotics" . . . then you already "harbor" a large amount of "ethanol" in the body . . .

Now . . . add to that . . . an "alcoholic" beverage . . . and BOOM . . . you are now "that" person that gets drunk "faster" . . . on "fewer" drinks.

Okay . . . so how does "ethanol" affect our "weight" and our "control of eating"???

Well . . . as we know . . . it's the "liver" that has the job of processing "alcohol" (ethanol) to eliminate it from the body.

BUT . . . if the "liver" becomes "overloaded" with these toxins . . . meaning . . . the "ethanol" produced by the overgrowth of "bad" bacteria in our body . . . and/or the "alcoholic beverages" we consume . . . this "ethanol" . . . will NOW be "STORED" to be processed later . . .

Where you ask???

Well . . . IN OUR "FAT" CELLS People!

And if that's not bad enough . . .

As I stated earlier . . . this "ethanol" IMPAIRS the body's ability to "break down" and absorb nutrients . . . which "increases" the blood level of "ESTROGEN" . . . which is linked to the risk of "BREAST CANCER"

Okay . . . so I know having your favorite alcoholic beverage makes you feel all warm and fuzzy . . . especially around the holidays.

But . . . is it worth what the "alcohol" (ethanol) is doing to the body long term???

And tomorrow, we'll continue

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