So, today . . . let's continue to talk about "contrails" we see in the sky . . .
Are they "good" or "bad"???
Well . . . hang on to your horses people . . . because . .
These "contrail" . . . can allow a considerable amount of "solar radiation" to penetrate the Earth's surface . . . causing "global warming"!!!
That's right . . . this "global warming" . . . everyone's up in arms about . . .
You see . . . a lot of "contrails" in the sky . . . can "trap" this energy in the Earth's atmosphere . . . "increasing" the "warming" effect.
So yet, another "conspiracy theory" proven "true"!!!!
Now, do "contrails" fall to the ground???
Well . . . science states . . . these "ice particles". . . evaporate when local atmospheric conditions become dry enough.
Meaning . . . they "DON'T" reach the ground!!!
So, what was I "smelling" that night???
Well . . . the Federal Aviation Administration states . . . sometimes . . . a plane will "dump" its "fuel" before landing . . . to lighten its load . . .
This is called "jettisoning"
So, I started this week talking about "conspiracy theories" and "CLOUD SEEDING" . . .
So, let's tie it all together . . .
"Cloud seeding" is a form of "weather modification" . . . which is done to "change" the "amount" and "type" of "precipitation" that falls from clouds.
Chemical substances like "silver iodide", "potassium iodide" and "dry ice" . . . are dispersed into clouds. . . which serves as cloud condensation and "ice nuclei" . . . which changes the "micro" physical processes within the natural cloud.
But . . . does "cloud seeding" really work???
Well . . . experts say . . . "cloud seeding" generally yields a 5% to 15% "increase in precipitation.
And studies report that the "chemicals" used in "clouding seeding" in "LOW" amounts . . . are NOT harmful to our environment and us.
But . . . in "LARGE" amounts . . . it can "contaminate" our air and water causing . . .
Respiratory issues
Skin irritations
Eye irritation
Nausea and/or vomiting
Gastrointestinal issues
Silver toxicity
Leading to environmental concerns that could throw off the earth's "natural balance of moisture" . . . and "climatic patterns"!!!
But . . . Why are they "altering" our "weather" . . . "if" . . . "cloud seeding" . . . CANNOT be used as a "solution" to creating rain during "DROUGHT" conditions.
I thought that was the reason . . . for discovering . . . and manufacturing . . . "cloud seeding" way back in the 1940s in the first place . . .
To "help" the "farming" with "drought" conditions . . .
It ONLY has a 5 - 15% success rate.
So . . . what are they "really" using "cloud seeding" for???
Okay . . . so let's add to this equation "jet streams" and the fact that . . . we see these "contrail" when there's a "LOT" of "HUMIDITY" in the air.
So, my question is this . . . is this "cloud seeding" that's putting "so much" moisture . . . and "chemicals" . . . in the air . . . the "reason" . . . we're seeing "so many" CONTRAILS recently???
Is there a "connection" and what's it doing to our "health"???
And is this "cloud seeding" and all its "chemicals" . . . now creating . . .
"CONTRAILS" . . . to become . . . "CHEMTRAILS"???
Or are "CHEMTRIALS" . . . a separate "conspiracy theory" all together?
Just saying people . . .
Be safe and healthy out there . . . and please be "mindful" of your world.
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