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"Happy Thanksgiving" to ALL!

As I take this time to give "thanks" for the many "blessing" in my life . . .

I'd like to let "you" know how "grateful" I am that "YOU" are one of them.

Melody Beattie once said . . .

"GRADITUDE" unlocks the fullness of life . . .

It turns what we have into "enough" . . . and "more" . . .

It turns denial into acceptance . . . chaos to order . . . confusion to clarity . . .

It can turn a "meal" into a "feast" . . .

A "house" into a "home" . . .

And a "stranger" . . . into a "friend" . . .

And I am "grateful" for "all" of "you" being part of my journey through life.

I hope you have a "Happy Thanksgiving" and always remember to reach out to those that are not as fortunate as us!

So, I'll leave you today with the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson . . .

For each new morning with it's light . . .

For rest and shelter of the night . . .

For health and food . . .

For love and friends . . .

For everything Thy goodness sends . . .

For flowers that bloom about our feet . . .

For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet

For song of bird and hum of bee . . .

For all things fair we hear and see . . .

Father in heaven - we thank Thee . . .

So I'll be taking off the holiday to be with family and friends . . .

But I'll be back posting on Monday . . . and this time, lets talk about our "HAIR" . . .

Question: What are the "HOLIDAY"S" and winter doing to the health of our hair?

Well . . . Monday . . . let's discover the possibilities

Love you all . . . be safe . . . and be "mindful"!

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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