Good morning my friends . . .
I hope to find you "all" well . . . and that you had a safe and healthy holiday . . . honoring our "beloved" country.
It's great to be back posting . . . and I've missed you all!!!
But . . . after the events of this past weekend . . . I can only say . . . "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED"?
Have the people in the "great" country of ours . . . gone "MAD"???
How could . . . "any" of us stoop to attempted "assassination"???
Well . . . Arie Perliger . . . an "expert" on political violence and assassinations at the University of Massachusetts Lowell's School of Criminology and Justice Studies . . . said this . . .
"It's not a surprise that eventually people engage in violence."
He goes on to say . . .
"The first thing that I thought . . . is that we were one inch from a "potential civil war". I think that if, indeed Donald Trump would have suffered fatal injuries today, the level of violence that we witnessed so far would be nothing in comparison to what would happened in the next couple of months."
So, what is wrong with this picture PEOPLE???
The word "democracy" have been thrown around a lot lately . . .
But . . . "democracy" . . . will NOT work . . . if the different parties with their different thought patterns or even different movements . . . are NOT willing to work "TOGETHER"!!!
You see . . . "democracy" . . . ONLY works when multiple groups are "willing" to reach some kind of consensus through "negotiation" . . . "collaboration" . . . and "cooperation".
Why can't we as human beings . . . "play" together nicely???
Well . . . let's break it down to better understand . . .
Because . . . "I" want to know!!!
"Diffen" U.S. political said this . . .
"The Republican party is the younger of the 2 parties . . . founded in 1954 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers. And rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln. This party presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction.
While the Democratic party . . . has consistently positioned itself to the left of the Republican party in economic as well as social matters. With Franklin D. Roosevelt, shaping much of the party's economic agenda.
"Diffen" goes on to say . . .
"Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities . . . whereas . . . the Democratic philosophy attaches greater importance to equality and social/community responsibility."
So, to me . . . neither one "looks" that bad . . .
So, where . . . did we go wrong in this "UPSET" of today political power???
Are we to the point . . . of one party trying to kill the other???
Or . . . was this a random terrorist act by a child in confusion???
And how did a 20 year old . . . become a "snipper"???
I guess only time will have these answers.
But, for now . . . my prayers go out to the senseless life lost . . . the patriots that were wounded and to all the families that their lives have been forever altered.
God Bless you all . . . and the United States in days to come!
Because . . . it's about to get real PEOPLE!!!
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