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So did you "get" what I was saying yesterday???

Did you understand that "food cravings" and "poor food choices" . . . are "NOT" really about "WILLPOWER" . . .

But rather . . . the "mechanics" of the human body.

So the question for today is this . . . how do we keep "Ghrelin" hormone levels healthy . . . therefore, "STOP THE CRAVINGS"???

Well . . . by doing things like . . .

Avoiding fad diets

Avoiding yo-yo diets

Avoiding artificial sweeteners

Limiting processed foods, especially foods high in sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and salt

Eating an "anti-inflammatory" diet

Eating "compliant" carbohydrates

Eating more healthy proteins

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water . . . "dehydration" can cause CRAVINGS

Eating foods high in fiber

Eating fruits and vegetable that are water-filled

Sleeping at least eight hours per night

And controlling our "stress responses"

Okay . . . so next question would be . . . how long does it take to "stop" sugar craving???

Well . . . a "true" sugar "detox" . . . takes about 10 day . . . with a "total craving" detox taking about 4 weeks . . . that's "IF" you follow the rules of "compliancy"

Okay . . . so what can "we" do to help this process of "stopping" our "cravings"???

Well . . . there are actually "foods" that have the ability to "wash out" sugar from our blood and help our "insulin" hormone do its job efficiently

And they would be foods like . . .

Eggs, almond butter (no sugar added), beans, legumes, oats, compliant proteins and fatty fish.

A good example for this would be "breakfast" . . .

Did your mother ever tell you that "breakfast" was the most important meal of the day and DO NOT skip it???

Well . . . she was right!

Eating "compliant proteins" and "healthy fats" for "breakfast" . . . INSTEAD of "carbohydrates" . . . will start your day off right and set your "Ghrelin" hormone up for success.

This will help you make wise choices for meals and snacks throughout the day.

And a "balanced" diet . . . will lead to a "decrease" in "UNCONTROLLABLE CRAVINGS".

And as a bonus . . . cutting added "sugar" from our diet can not only lower calories and "body weight" . . . it can also improve our "cholesterol" and reduce the aging process.

We must "strive" for a "balanced diet".

You see . . . eating ample fiber, protein and healthy fats will increase "satiety" . . . keep blood sugar levels stable . . . and "REDUCE" sugar cravings.

Okay . . . so what would be a "compliant" breakfast???

Well . . . that would be . . .

An organic cage-free egg or 2 . . . this is our "compliant protein"

Cooked in organic extra-virgin olive oil . . . or . . . organic "UNREFINED" cold-pressed coconut oil . . . this is our "healthy fat"

With organic spinach mixed in . . . "spinach" is an appetite suppressant that we'll talk about later. Not to mention, it's loaded with "nutritional value".

There are "NO" . . . "EMPTY CALORIES" in this meal . . . leaving our "Ghrelin" hormone and brain" satisfied . . . therefore . . . "NO UNCONTROLLABLE CRAVINGS" that day.

But . . . what does the average American's "breakfast" really look like???

Well . . . unfortunately . . . coffee and some kind of "pastry"

And with this . . . it's "ALL" empty calories . . . with NO "nutritional value".

Do you see where I'm going with this???

So tomorrow, I'll give you a list of foods that are good for "curbing" the "cravings"

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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