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So, today's Health Awareness Tip is about "Patience".

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Okay . . . well, in today's crisis, that's a hard pill to swallow for most of us!

We're doing the best we can under these circumstances but what can help?

How do we get past the trauma that has been placed before us; Family and friends ill or dying, loss of income, captivity and the "unknowing" of what's to come?

The answer would be "Patience"! And I'll tell you what will help in a moment.

I know this by no means compares to the crisis people are experiencing in life today, but stuck in my own captivity . . . I'll tell you a little personal story . . .

My family and I live on a small farm and the other day my husband and I wanted to go horseback riding, but every time we'd go out to get the horses from the pasture, something would come up and stop us. My husband was getting more and more frustrated with the situation as the day went on. I kept telling him it would all work out, but my words didn't seem to help him feel the "patience" that he needed. Finally time allowed us to get the horses from the field. But the weather didn't look good. We were about to get some rain. We brushed the horses down and the sky opened up and it started to rain. We grabbed the horses and ran for the barn. Wet and cold we stood inside the barn for an hour waiting for the rain to stop. In that time, I sat on a bucket with my favorite horse Smokey by my side enjoying his company. Smokey was happy to be out of the rain and slid his nose down my back to my pocket sniffing for a treat. He knew I always had a little cookie hidden for a moment of comfort or reward. I listened to the rain hitting the tin roof and it sounded like music. I looked out the door to the sky and could see the clouds dancing in the wind. At that moment I felt such peace in my body. Then I looked over at my husband. He was standing by his horse and looking very frustrated with life. He wasn't enjoying the moment. I asked him what was the matter and he said, "Nothing!" I said, "you need to absorb the moment and enjoy it!" To me it was sad that he couldn't relax enough to see what God had given him. The music of the rain, the dancing of the clouds, the companionship of his favorite horse or being in a barn with the women he loves.

The tightness in his body didn't allow him to truly feel and live life in the moment. And this is where we as a society are at this moment in time. "TIGHT". AND UNABLE TO SEE PAST THE SITUATION WE ARE IN TODAY!

The proverb . . . "Patience is a virtue" means that it is a good quality to be able to tolerate something that takes a long time.

So what can we do to help with the patience of this situation we're presented with today? Well, Patience is acquired by training your mind. There's a chemical in the brain that dictates the perception of happiness. We must remember that Patience is the companion of wisdom and the power of patience can help us meet the challenges of life we face today.

So here are some things we can do to train our mind so we become in control of our well-being and mental state:

1. Make a daily success checklist, even if it's something as simple as organizing your closet. Make a list of things to do for the day and as you complete them, check them off. This is all about "Empowerment". In any life changing situation, empowerment is one thing that we feel we lose.

2. Set healthy rewards for healthy behavior

3. Declutter or delete in your life. We have become a nation of stuff. Learn how to live off the basics.

4. Challenge yourself by getting out of your comfort zone and accomplish new things.

For example . . . if you never knew how to knit, now's the time to learn

5. Use this time wisely and create something

6. Exercise and set new goals

7. Start doing yoga or meditate if you've never experienced the inner peace

8. Spend time outside in the sunlight. This is your opportunity to be one with the environment

If you need more information contact me here

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