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Rosacea - what can help?

Okay . . . so today I'd like to dedicate this Health tip to some very important people in my life and anyone else suffering from this very painful skin condition called "rosacea".

So what exactly is this skin condition that devastates our life and our appearance?

Well . . . "rosacea" is a very common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the face. It can also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps.

And these symptoms can flare up for weeks to months and even go away for a while . . .

Or for some . . . become a permanent fixture on our face.

So what causes "rosacea"???

Well . . . conventional medicine says the cause is "unknown" . . . but . . . they do claim that it could be due to a combination of environmental factors and/or nutritional deficiencies.

Now, on the flip side . . . alternative medicine suggests that the condition could be caused by microscopic skin mites, fungus (the "bad" bacteria I'm always talking about that lurks deep within us) or a malfunction of the connective tissue under the skin.

And in Medical News Today . . . they're going with the skin mite theory. And that many doctors recommend treatment with skin creams that are topical insecticides and antifungals.

And even though no one really knows for sure what causes rosacea . . . if you have diabetes, a weakened immune system, an injury or intertrigo . . . you are more likely to obtain this issue on your skin.

So what can trigger a flare up???

Well . . . that would be . . . sunlight, heat, stress, alcohol, hot drinks, spicy foods and skincare products (especially hair spray).

Now yesterday, we spoke briefly of vitamin B12 and magnesium deficiencies affecting our hearing. Well . . . they also have been linked to "rosacea".

You see . . . vitamin B6, Selenium and Magnesium deficiencies result in the dilation of blood vessels especially on the cheeks and nose. And vitamin B12 deficiency can wreak havoc on the skin causing acne, rashes, dry and flaky skin.

So what can we do to get some kind of relief naturally???

Well . . . tomorrow we'll continue with this discussion

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