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"Tis the Season"

As many of you know . . . I grew up on a small New England farm in Tolland, Ct.

And our family life, had many traditions throughout the year . . .

But . . . at "Christmas" time . . . for as "long" as I can remember . . . my father always displayed a "nativity scene", in our barn.

Simple . . . but to the point . . . that the "reason" for this "glorious season" . . . was "JESUS"!

He would display a simple manger . . . with a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths , , ,

Then shine a single light down upon this child . . . some an "angel" say . . . that sent a messsage from God above . . . to savor this "special" day.

People would come from miles around, to see this "humbling" sight . . .

Year after year they'd come . . . some . . . every night!

They'd bring their children . . . and tell the story . . . that the Son of God was born in a "humbling" life . . . and to remember the journey of Joseph's precious wife.

My father has since passed . . . and that beautiful remembrance is no longer . . .

So, in honor of our Lord and Savior . . . and my father's tradition . . .

We here, at Miracle Meadows . . . are continuing my father's legacy.

So, to my dad . . . Raymond (Bud) Ludwig . . . I hope you're looking down from the heavens above and "smiling" to know that your simple "nativity scene" and your love for "Jesus" . . . still lives on . . .

So every night from now until Chritmas day . . . we'll be displaying a "simple nativity scene" as my father did . . . in "our" barn here at Miracle Meadows . . . for all to see . . .

So make it "your" tradition . . . with "your" family . . . to come see this "humbling" sight.

Much love, from our house to yours.

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